Portrait/Human form Photography
Fashion Photography Corrine Day Richard Avedon RANKIN Mario Testino Guy Bourdin David Bailey
The Human Form Jenny Saville Bill Brandt Howard Schatz Vadim Stein Lou Blanc
Distortion Sannan Helena Berger Waldemar Strempler Ashley Edwards Wez Naman David Samuel Stern Distortion Erwin Blumenfeld distortion Jean Faucheur Lucas Simões
Mixed media Sophie Derrick Maurizio Anzeri: Rosanna Jones Miguel Leal Damien Blottiere Mixed media Joseph Parra:
Nan Golding Jeff Wall Diane Arbus Documentary Sally Mann Martin Parr
Working towards ao1- Artist research Recall back to this Tasks: Produce a mind map/mood board of initial responses to the theme Human form/portrait. You must include: - images from named photographers - words to describe ideas for a subtheme (at least 4 different potential subthemes)
Working towards ao1- Artist research HW tasks for the summer Complete AO1 for at least 3 different artists/photographers - you must analyse at least 2-3 of their images not quote irrelevant information about the artist- i.e. birth death education… Plan, draw and shoot an Emulation - it is highly important that you start to include drawing in your photography SO A DRAWN PLAN IS A MUST! EXT: to plan, draw and shoot a development shoot to show ideas that you wish to explore further in September- Have a nice Summer Miss Doward