Leading Causes of Death List, in order, what you think are the 5 leading causes of death Leading causes of death
The Cost of Heart Disease #1 Killer in the USA Almost 1 million/year die from Heart disease 1.5 million Heart Attacks/year Accounts for 50% of all deaths in USA
What is Heart Disease? Atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries. Fatty deposits build up on the inner walls of the arteries; this narrows the space which blood can flow. Can cause: Heart Attack Strokes Cardiovascular disease
Heart Disease List 5 factors that put us at risk of Heart Disease!!!
Risk Factors (Uncontrollable) Increasing Age Heredity (Runs in the Family) Male
Risk Factors (Controllable) Smoking (3X) High Blood Pressure Hypertension (Stress) Lack of Exercise (2X) Overweight (Diet) Excessive Alcohol High Cholesterol level
Your Ideal Weight Females (# of inches over 5’) x 5 + 100 =
The Circulatory System Purpose: To transport needed materials (oxygen & nutrients) to ALL the cells in the body. To remove wastes from ALL the cells in your body.
Parts of the Circulatory System Heart – acts as the pump to push blood through the… Arteries, Veins & Capillaries – which serves as the pipes to move the … Blood – which is the fluid of this system Lymphatic System – reclaiming system
The Heart We have a 4 chambered heart Right side – deoxygenated blood Left side – oxygenated blood Top half (Right & Left Atria) – receives blood into the heart Bottom half (Right & Left Ventricles) – pumps blood out to the lungs & the rest of the body
Arteries Strong muscular vessels that carry blood away from the heart under high pressure. Most carry Oxygenated blood.
Veins Thinner vessels that carry blood towards the heart. Most carry Deoxygenated blood. Contain Valves that allow blood to flow only towards the heart. (prevent backflow)
Capillaries Smallest blood vessels. Connect arteries to veins. The capillaries function to exchange substances between the blood & the body cells. This is the area of the circulatory system where the real work takes place.
Composition of Blood Red Blood Cells (RBC) – carries O2 & CO2 contain HEMOGLOBIN to carry O2 White Blood Cells (WBC) – immunity. Platelets – help to clot blood. Plasma – fluid portion of blood Other Stuff in blood: Proteins, hormones, urea, glucose, amino acids, fats, vitamins, minerals, salts.
Path of Blood Through the Heart
Lymphatic System Reclaiming System – picks up tissue fluid which has seeped into spaces between cells. Lymph Nodes – where lymph is filtered and then put back into the veins. These nodes contain white blood cells to destroy harmful substances in lymph as it passes through the lymph nodes. A system of organs serving in defense against disease (immunity)
The Immune System The immune system works to fight off infections that occur within the body. An infection is caused when an invader (a pathogen…also known as an antigen)
An Overview of the Body’s Defense System Nonspecific Defense Mechanisms Specific Defense Mechanisms (Immune System) 1st Line of Def. 2nd Line of Def. 3rd Line of Def. Skin Mucous Membranes Secretions of skin & mucous membranes The imflammatory response Phagocytic WBC’s Antimicrobial proteins Antibodies Lymphocytes T-cells B-cells
An Overview of the Body’s Defense Another way to look at it: 1st Line of Defense – Walls around a city 2nd Line of Defense – Ordinary soldiers 3rd Line of Defense – Intelligence officers who track down specific dangerous infiltrators
1st Line of Defense Your Skin provides defends your body by providing protection from blocking entry of Pathogens. Pathogen – any disease-causing agent (i.e. viruses & bacteria A pathogen may also be considered an ANTIGEN An word ANTIGEN is short for ANTIbody GENerator
Pathogens Viruses – are very simple organism that can reproduce ONLY in after infecting (getting into) other organisms. They are NOT considered living organism They are made up of a protein capsid, some DNA or RNA and a few proteins
Pathogens Bacteria – single-celled living organisms that lack a cell nucleus (meaning their prokaryotic – no nucleus) They CAN reproduce outside of another living organism and they ARE considered living organisms
1st Line of Defense Skin & Mucous membranes Skin acts as a barrier to prevent pathogens from entering. Pathogens – viruses, allergens, bacteria, molds. Skin produces an enzyme that breaks down the cell wall of the bacteria - killing them. Pathogens get trapped in the mucous membranes.
Breaking Through If there is an entry portal (a break in the 1st line of defense), invaders can break through the barriers. What happens next????
2nd Line of Defense Antibodies in the blood recognize the invaders as foreign. A chain reaction then occurs that causes white blood cells stored in the blood vessels, spleen & bone marrow to rush to the point of entry.
2nd Line of Defense The “Kill”- At the entry point, white blood cells literally swallow the invaders, releasing powerful substances to destroy them.
Immune Response Anytime that particular pathogen enters your body again – that unique antibody recognizes the invader & ties it up. This is called IMMUNITY
Antibody-Antigen Reaction