From Academic and Student Affairs Slides from a March meeting of Provosts and Chief Financial Officers
KLN – Planning Approach VISION PASSHE students should have equal access to library materials, resources and services DRIVERS Cross-enrollment patterns are increasing – driving additional consistency Our legislated mission suggests equality in cost per student for materials University approaches to funding library services vary KLN funding Library Funding The functional lines between technology and library services continues to blur PASSHE will be reviewing the role of library services as part of the PASSHE strategic plan Assessment “Where are We?” What is the cost of services/FTE? How are library resources aligned with program accreditation? What are the minimum requirements? What is the utilization of current products and services? What are the funding approaches ? What organizational structures support library services? Strategy “Where are we going?” Define the services that libraries should provide Outline the linkages between accreditation and library services Outline the connections between libraries and academic areas Outline the relationship between libraries and technology Develop funding and organization support strategy Planning “How do we get there?” What is the timeline? What is the funding model? What services are shared? What resources are necessary?
PASSHE students should have equal access to VISION PASSHE students should have equal access to library materials, resources and services
DRIVERS driving additional consistency Cross-enrollment patterns are increasing – driving additional consistency Our legislated mission suggests equality in cost per student for materials University approaches to funding library services vary KLN funding Library Funding The functional lines between technology and library services continues to blur PASSHE will be reviewing the role of library services as part of the PASSHE strategic plan
Assessment “Where are We?” What is the cost of services/FTE? How are library resources aligned with program accreditation? What are the minimum requirements? What is the utilization of current products and services? What are the funding approaches ? What organizational structures support library services?
Define the services that libraries should provide Strategy “Where are we going?” Define the services that libraries should provide Outline the linkages between accreditation and library services Outline the connections between libraries and academic areas Outline the relationship between libraries and technology Develop funding and organization support strategy
Planning “How do we get there?” What is the funding model? What is the timeline? What is the funding model? What services are shared? What resources are necessary? Strategic Ideas