Michkayla Dandreano Period 4 How To Read Literature Like A Professor Chapter 4: Now Where Have I seen Her Before? Michkayla Dandreano Period 4
Chapter 4: Now Where Have I seen Her Before? “…some people handle two-dimensional visualization better than other…”, meaning some people are better at noticing patterns and literary devices better than most people can When realizing the patterns of the novel that you’re reading, you’ll learn where to look and how to look for these things Literature grows from other literature “…there’s no such thing as a wholly original work of literature.”
Chapter 4: Now Where Have I seen Her Before? “…is that virtually everything in [Going After Cacciato] is [gathered] from somewhere else.” “…you can’t create stories in a vacuum.”, meaning that when you’re writing, you reference childhood memories, history that you’ve been taught, movies you’ve watched, or books you’ve read “O’Brien signals the difference between novelist and character in the structuring of the two narrative frames.” “…there is a literary or historical model who found her way into his fiction to give it shape and purpose.”
Chapter 4: Now Where Have I seen Her Before? We want to be able to pick out familiar people and images in stories that we read. “Here it is: there’s only one story. There, I said it and I can’t very well take it back. There is only one story. Ever. One. It’s always been going on and it’s everywhere around us and every story you’ve ever read or heard or watched is part of it.” “…intertextual dialogue deepens and enriches the reading experience, bringing multiple layers of meaning to the text, some of which readers may not even consciously notice.” “…once you being seeing morals, you can’t stop.”