Welcome to Year 2 Success Partners Choose your seat Introduce yourself to your table mates
NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY When the music plays – MOVE When the music stops TURN AND TALK to a nearby person Talk about the prompt on the slide. When the music starts again, THANK your partner and MOVE
Round 1: Introduce yourself Why did you join Success Partners?
Round 2: Introduce yourself Talk about some of your staff strengths and/or talents
Round 3: Introduce yourself What is my dream for parent engagement this school year?
This year our school has continued to join several hundred schools in the Success Partners network, where we will continue to collaborate and study how to better engage families for student success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5W7BpT02Tw
Round 1: Introduce yourself Why did you choose our school?
Round 2: Introduce yourself Some things my child is interested in and likes to do.
Round 3: Introduce yourself What is my dream for my child’s future successes?
This year our school has continued to join several hundred schools in the Success Partners network, where we will continue to collaborate and study how to better engage families for student success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5W7BpT02Tw
Michael Fullan’s 3 Keys to Maximizing Impact is the genesis for our leadership sessions.
Michael Fullan’s The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact Chapter Three: The First Key—Leading Learning
The Principal’s New Role “…is to lead the school’s teachers in a process of learning to improve their teaching, while learning alongside them about what works and what doesn’t.” Fullan pg. 55
The Principal’s New Role Leading Learning System Player Agent of Change One who moves people and organizations forward under difficult circumstances. One who contributes to and benefits from the increased performance of the others schools in the district and of the system as a whole. One who models learning and shapes the conditions for all to learn.
Principal as Lead Learner “..the principal does not lead all instructional learning. The principal does work to ensure that intense instructional focus and continuous learning are the core work of the school, and does this by being a talent scout and social engineer, building a culture for learning, tapping others to co-lead, and, well, basically being a learning leader for all.” Fullan pg. 90
The Second Key—Being Being a District and System Player “The boundary between the school and the outside is becoming more permeable. This has opened up an exciting new (and daunting) world for principals.” Fullan pg. 97
Being a District and System Player Mix and Mingle! Meet up with two other people. Silently read the quote. Share what this quote means to you. What might be some of the benefits of being a Success Partners system player? What might be some of the challenges? CHANGE PARTNERS Repeat steps 1-3 for the next slide.
Building External Networks and Partnerships “The high-performing leaders build teams and delegate work and thereby find time to spend with parents, teachers, students, community members, school system leaders, and other leaders inside and outside of education. These networks produce new ideas, practices, and materials that can be effectively used to improve results in their own schools.” Kirtman From Fullan pg. 99
Maximizing your impact “…the principal must seek ideas from other similar schools that perhaps have had more success, and must see herself or himself as a system player. When the ideas of thousands of principals are unleashed and shared, imagine the resources. When principals form productive partnerships with other schools, consider the support they can gain through interaction between their staff and that of other schools.” Fullan pg. 116
Debrief Mix and Mingle What would I need to do to maximize my partnerships with similar schools? Why is it important to seek out like minded schools? What benefits and what drawbacks came to light in your conversations?
Debrief Mix and Mingle What would I need to do to maximize my partnerships with other leaders? Why is it important to seek out like minded leaders? Leaders that may not be like-minded? What benefits and what drawbacks came to light in your conversations?
Third Key: Principal as Change Agent Think-Pair-Share “How good are you at moving people and organizations forward under difficult circumstances?” Fullan pg 123 Share a time when you made a significant positive change to improve student learning? 2. Describe your role, your goals, and the outcome?
Principal as Change Agent “…the leader’s role is to work through and help others work through these ambiguities— sometimes by overcoming resistance, but mostly by reassuring the potential losers that there is something to gain; other times by helping the willing gain the grounded confidence that is essential to success.” Fullan pg 123
Principal as Change Agent Mastery and Passion: A Mutual Feed “…passion matters but must be earned through actually getting better at leading change—the latter achieved through a process of learning that does depend on some degree on trial and error… [You only feel] passion emotionally when you are skilled at the work and are actually experiencing success. Passion without skill is dangerous.” Fullan pg. 125
Change Competencies Challenges the status quo. Builds trust through clear communication and expectations. Creates a commonly owned plan for success. Focuses on team over self. Has a sense of urgency for sustainable results. Commits to continuous improvement for self. Builds external networks and partnerships. Lyle Kirtman in Principalship pg. 128
Learning Communities: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students occurs within learning communities committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility, and goal alignment. Shirley Hord, scholar laureate, talks about the Learning Communities standard. https://youtu.be/KvO9e_hOzw4
Table Conversation How can I as the LEAD LEARNER ensure that my staff develops into a learning community? Time – rethink what we always do? Effort – who will facilitate, empowering each member to grow professionally Structures – building a low-risk environment for robust learning conversations to take place What else?
Standards for Professional Learning Additional standards will be introduced and discussed in the October and February institutes Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes Learningforward.org/standards