AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK DO NOW: (5-10 mins) PROBLEM #1: A radioisotope has a half life of 20 days. 5 gram remains after 60 days. What was the initial amount of the radioisotopes?
AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK DO NOW: (5-10 mins)
AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK HOMEWORK: (5 mins) PROBLEM : A radioisotope has a half life of 1600 yrs. A 400 gram sample was allowed to decay for 9600 yrs. What fraction will remain? Name the element.
TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK DO NOW: (5mins) Show the radioactive decay of Phosphorus-32 _______ + ________ 32 X -1 32 O e P 16 15 Stable element particle
AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK DO NOW: (5-10 mins) PROBLEM #2: A radioisotope has a half life of 10 days. I gram remains after 40 days. What was the initial amount of the radioisotopes?
AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK MINI LESSON: (10-15 mins) RATE OF RADIOACTOVITY HALF-LIFE - The time it takes for half of the of sample to decay
AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK HOMEWORK: (5-10 mins) PROBLEM : A radioisotope has a half life of 1600 yrs. A 400 gram sample was allowed to decay for 9600 yrs. What fraction will remain? Name the element.
( ) t 1 t = T= t AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK MINI LESSON: (10-15 mins) FORMULAS: t T 1 2 t = Total time elapsed ( ) Fraction remaining T= Hal-life t T = # of half-life periods
TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK MINI LESSON: (10-15 mins) PROBLEM: Cobalt-60 has a half-life of 5.26 years. A 10 gram sample was allowed to decay for 20 years. What fraction will remain? t T UNKNOWN: ( ) 1 2 Fraction remaining 20 yrs FORMULA: 1 2 ( ) 5 yrs KNOWN: T = 5.26 yrs Original mass = 10 g Total Time Elapsed = 20 yrs
AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK ACTIVITY: (5-10 mins) PROBLEM# 1: Potassium-37 has a half-life of 1.23 s. A 60 gram sample was allowed to decay for 6 s. What fraction will remain? PROBLEM #2: A radioisotope has a half life of 10 days. I gram remains after 40 days. What was the initial amount of the radioisotopes?
AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: RATE OF RADIOACTIVITY AIM : How do we measure the rate of radioactivity of an element? TOPIC: INTROUCTION TO NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AIM : How do we properly utilize formulas & equations from the chemistry reference table? ODUCTION TO TOPIC: Reorientation/ Setting up Renzulli Learning Profile AIM : How do set up our Individual Learning Profile ? AGENDA 02/10/09 DO NOW: Showing & writing nuclear equation MINI LESSON: describing half lives of an element measuring rate of radioactivity ACTIVITY: Solving sample problems on rate of radioactivity REFLECTION HOMEWORK HOMEWORK: (5-10 mins) PROBLEM : A radioisotope has a half life of 1600 yrs. A 400 gram sample was allowed to decay for 9600 yrs. What fraction will remain? Name the element.