Daily Life -Rome -Most people were poor farmers or city dwellers -Overcrowded -Poor housing -elaborate public buildings -Roman government served to unify society -Provided law and order -Growth of trade and commerce -Roman system of roads
Roman Family Life -Dominant male -Education -Marriage and divorce -Women’s rights -Slavery -Widespread -War captives -Spartacus
Roman Religion -Based on Greek gods -Tolerant of other religions -Judea--Land of the Jews -Jewish revolt---Destruction of the Jewish Temple----Western Wall only remains -Jesus Christ -Crucifixion -Spread of Christianity -Persecution of Christians . Under Nero -Martyrs
Art and Architecture -Influences of Greek art on Roman art -Architecture -Dome arch vaults -Roads -Bridges -Aqueducts
Literature -Virgil -“Aeneid” -Horace -Writes of follies and vices of people -Livy -History of Rome -Plutarch -Influence of the Roman alphabet
Roman Entertainment -Theater -Chariot races -Circus Maximus -Colosseum -Gladiators
Roman Knowledge -Galen -Medical texts -Ptolemy -Earth centered astronomy philosophy