Do you know what these historic sites are?


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Presentation transcript:

Do you know what these historic sites are? Classical gardens of Suzhou Yuanmingyuan in Beijing Do you know what these historic sites are? Canada—land of maple trees Sphinx in ancient Egypt

New York in the USA The Colosseum, Italy Angkor Wat, Cambodia

What about this site?

Athens 雅典 Hints It was in a country where the 2004 Olympics was held. It was also a country where the first Olympics was held.

the Acropolis (希腊雅典)卫城 It was built to show respect for Athena, the goddess of the city. the Acropolis (希腊雅典)卫城

The Overview of the Acropolis

Unit 2 Witnessing time Welcome & Reading The Acropolis now

What is the Acropolis? Scan the second paragraph and try to find: A large, flat rock in the center of Athens, rising up high above the city. 雅典卫城,是希腊最杰出的古建筑群,是综合性的公共建筑,为宗教政治的中心地。雅典卫城面积约有4平方千米,位于雅典市中心的卫城山丘上,始建于公元前580年。卫城中最早的建筑是雅典娜神庙和其他宗教建筑。

Read the passage fast and try to find answers to the three questions 1 When did the construction of the Acropolis start? In the 5th century BC 2 What were the buildings of the Acropolis made of ? They were made of marble. 3 When was the Acropolis listed as a World Heritage site? in 1987 by UNESCO

by natural forces and by man back to its former glory. Match the topic sentence Para1 1.The Acropolis cannot avoid damage partly by natural forces and by man Para2 2.The greatest symbol of Athens is the Acropolis. Para3 3. The ancient Greeks has had a greater influence on Western civilization. Para4 4.The Greek government appointed a committee to undertake a complete repair . Para5 5.Unfortunately, some of the construction was not very successful. Para6 6.The committee is undertaking important work to educate the public. Para7 7.The committee is continuing to bring the Acropolis back to its former glory.

influence/importance Outline: influence/importance Para. _________________________ 1 brief Introduction Para. ___________________________ 2 Para. ___________________________ 3-4 damage to the Acropolis 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Para. ___________________________ 5-7 measures to preserve it 11

Detailed Reading——Part I (1) 1.Why does the writer say that “ No one had a greater impact on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks” ? Because they made many advances in many fields. 2. In which fields did the Greeks make great contributions to Western civilization? In philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theater, politics and sport. 3.Which of the following was not a Greek invention? A. Roman alphabet. B. Architecture. C. Marathon D. Olympics B

Detailed Reading——Part II (2) 1. Where was the Acropolis built ? On the hill called the Sacred Rock in the centre of the city. 2. Why was the Acropolis built? In honor of Athena, the Goddess of the city 3. What are the three temples which were built to Athena on top of the Acropolis? The Parthenon, the Erechtheum and the Temple of Athena Nike.

本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 雅典娜女神像复原图 14

the smallest, used to house… the Parthenon Try to get information about the main three temples. the Temple of Nike the smallest, used to house… the Parthenon the largest , a gold statue of Athena the Erechtheum six female statues supporting the roof

A game : Identify the temples The Pathenon

A game : Identify the temples The Erechtheum

A game : Identify the temples The Temple of Nike

Detailed Reading——Para III (3--4) 1. What is the buildings of the Acropolis made of ? They were made of marble, a very smooth, strong stone. 2. How have the buildings of the Acropolis been destroyed ? They have been damaged partly by natural forces, but the greatest damage has been caused by man. Causes Details Natural forces Human earthquakes smog and acid rain gunpowder explosion theft of the ruins bad repair work travellers’ damage

Detailed Reading——Para III (5--7) Causes Details Actions/Solutions Natural forces earthquakes smog and acid rain Human gunpowder explosion theft of the ruins bad repair work travellers’ damage a steady cleaning programme removed from the open air and stored in a protected museum to be mended public education

recognizing reference markers Reading strategy: recognizing reference markers 1.What do reference markers refer to? 2.What is the use of reference markers meant to? 3.What will recognizing reference markers help you to do?

Reading strategy: Some examples in para. 3 The Acropolis is no different. It has been damaged partly by natural forces……. 2. In 1458 the Turks defeated the Greeks and …..Later they used the Parthenon as a warehouse and packed it with gunpowder. 3. The last major damage of this kind occurred…of the best sculptures in1801,when an Englishman, Lord Elgin, cut them off the face of….,and took them to London. He later sold them to the British government.

Language Focus have a great influence on 对…有影响 make advances in… 取得进展 尤其地 把…联系在一起 纪念…庙 纵观历史 不例外 自然力量 夺取…控制权 冠名为 被承认为 酸雨 make advances in… in particular associate …with… the temple to… throughout history be no different natural forces seize control of… under the title of… be recognized as… acid rain

Language Focus 13.列入世界遗产 be listed a World Heritage site 14.为了 15.为准备 16.使…重现昔日辉煌 17.被从…搬走 18.执行,实施 19.引起…之间的摩擦 20.为子孙后代 be listed a World Heritage site in a gesture to do in preparation for… bring … back to its former glory be remmoved from… carry out cause some friction between… for the generations to come