GIS at the Delaware Geological Survey Lillian Wang, GISP GIS Specialist/Cartographer
DGS research and service activities are focused on: Water Resources Geology and Mapping Natural Hazards Information and Data Dissemination
Major responsibilities Create, acquire, analyze, manage GIS data and metadata Produce publication-quality map products, illustrations, data reports Support and assist DGS staff in research and service Improve GIS capability & efficiency Maintain knowledge of state-of-the-art GIS computing technology
DGS Digital Data Vector data Raster data Elevation data Surficial geology Groundwater recharge potential Raster data Depth to ground water Water table elevation Unconfined aquifer (Sussex County) Elevation data Raster (DEM) and vector (contours)
How to access DGS Digital Data DGS website Shapefiles and rasters for download FirstMap Services – ArcGIS Online Map viewer Story Map
DGS Map Viewer
Explore Delaware Geology
ESRI Collector App Collect and update GIS data in the field using a tablet or smartphone Attach photos to features Data and photos are stored in the cloud
Ditch the paper and other devices – really? What if there’s no phone signal? I don’t trust the device GPS accuracy How do I get GIS data and photos to my pc?