Year 4: Victorians Sound


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Presentation transcript:

Year 4: Victorians Sound English texts/video stimulus: Reading comprehension Queen Victoria Reading comprehension –Victorian child labour Street child-class read/whole class comprehension English Writing Opportunities: Diary entry-Street Child Fact file-Child labour Victorian handwriting lessons Social, Moral, Spiritual and cultural links: What were the Victorians morals? Chidlren’srihts now and in Victorian times, and they have changed. What Queen victoria believed in. Explore people who helped chidlren, like Barnados. Art and Design: Find out about Victorian artists like William Morris, and recreate some art work, use and explore Victorian pens (quills, calligraphy etc). Explore, investigate and experiment from a range of stimuli and starting points, roles, techniques, approaches, materials and media. Design and Technology: Industrial revolution Reflect and Evaluate Reflect on and evaluate evidence when making personal choices or bringing about improvements in performance and behaviour. Year 4: Victorians OliverTwist Science: Sound Observe and explore to generate ideas, define problems and pose questions in order to develop investigations and products. Engage safely in practical investigations and experiments and gather and record evidence by observation and measurement. Mathematics: Chronological order Time (over 24 hour period) Computing: Searching Websites Databases Developing ideas and making things happen Graphics Text Multimedia Communication Tennis Outdoor learning Music: Ukulele Recorders Famous People: Queen Victoria Thomas Barnardo William Morris Charles Darwin Charles Dickens Visits: Blists Hill Geography: British Empire History Create a ‘green Screen’ to explore the important events in Victorians, create an information book about the Victorian era, find out about: schools, clothing, food, children’s lives, houses and transport, and the monarchy. Experience a school day for a Victorian child Compare, interpret and analyse different types of evidence from a range of sources. Compare, interpret and analyse different types of evidence from a range of sources. PE: Languages: Languages week-focus on being taught by governess in rich households