Year 2
Staff Teachers – Miss Rush, Mrs Pritchard & Mrs O’Hanlon Teaching Assistant – Miss Shannon Head teacher – Mrs. Loftus Deputy Head – Mrs. Evans Assistant Head Teacher –Mrs. Walsh Pastoral Care Manager– Mrs. Grier Inclusion Manager- Mrs Rawnsley Office Staff - Mrs. Hall/Mrs. Latham/Miss Johnston
School Times 8:00 – Early bird club starts- children must be booked in. 8:30 – School gates open- please do not leave children on the yard. 8:45 – Doors open 8:55 – Registration 10:25 – Playtime 12:00 – Lunch time 2:55 – End of school day (Mrs Pritchard’s to leave via hall & Miss Rush’s to leave from classroom).
Attendance - Aim for 100% Punctuality – Must be in school by 8:45am -If there are any issues with attendance or punctuality then Mrs Grier will make contact. -poor attendance or punctuality will have a negative impact on your child’s progression. In cases of poor attendance or punctuality our Education Welfare Officer will speak with you. -Holidays are not authorised and you maybe fined. Medical- Mrs Walsh can offer advice on medical plans. Uniform – White shirt/blouse, grey jumper/cardigan, grey trousers or slip, school tie and plain black shoes. Lunch times – Please help us to promote healthy lunches. Snacks- Water only and healthy snacks. Any birthday cakes/treats need to be nut free.
Reading Reading books – all children to read every night. Monday to Friday. Reward system in place to encourage the love of reading. Reading sources can be a wide range of literature including magazines, internet, news articles, comics, novels and poetry. Guided Reading – Your child will read each week with their teacher and at least once a week with their TA.
Children will bring their homework home each Monday and it should be returned on Fridays. Each week will consist of three activities. Times tables, spellings/handwriting and comprehension.
Times tables and Spelling Our weekly times table and spelling tests will take place on Fridays. They will be given out on Mondays to learn through the week. Please could you practise these at home for a little bit each night.
The Curriculum Please look at the school website under curriculum. Here you will find out what your child will be learning each term. P.E.- Thursdays (please ensure full P.E. kits are in school for all lessons) Dance- Class 2P-Wednesday & Class 2R-Friday
P.E. and Dance P.E. is on a Thursday Dance- Class 2P-Wednesday & Class 2R-Friday Please ensure full P.E. kits are in school for all lessons
Topics-A Summary This term we will cover: Literacy- Stories from familiar Settings and Instructions Numeracy- counting to 100, place value, number bonds, addition and subtraction, 2, 5 and 10 times tables Geography- Can we make a map? R.E.- Beginnings and Signs and Symbols Science- Animals including Humans Art- Portraits P.E- Basketball
SATs In May all Year 2 children will take their SATs. Children have to complete independently with no support from staff. It is imperative to practise reading and numeracy skills as often as possible to build up reading and number fluency. SATs will include; 2 reading papers 2 Maths papers (arithmetic and Reasoning) Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
Handwriting It is important that children form all letters correctly and use cursive script as these are the expected requirements for Year 2.
Behaviour Children will be awarded Dojo points for good behaviour and the child with the most points at the end of the week will earn a prize. School Wide Sanctions In the event of children not adhering to the code of conduct, the following sanctions will be applied using adult discretion based on the seriousness of the behaviour. Stage 1 - Non-verbal warning e.g. frown, stern look, and silence Stage 2 - Verbal warning Stage 3 - Child’s name written on board Stage 4 - Cross put beside child’s name ( 5 or 10 minute loss of playtime) Stage 5 - Another cross by child’s name (loss of playtime) Stage 6 - Child will be sent to a named class for ‘time-out’ Stage 7 - Child referred to team leader (Mrs Walsh) Stage 8 - Parents/ Carers contacted/ invited in to school to discuss child’s Behaviour
Trips and Visitors Proposed trips for Year 2; Autumn – Church visit for R.E. topic on Baptism & trip to a Fire station Spring- Trip to Chester Zoo, Residential trip at Kingswood (Colomendy) Summer- Visit from an environmental expert, trip to the Ice-Cream Farm
Any Questions?