Popcorn and Cookie Dough (PCCD)!!
What Is It? Desserts you love! AMAZING popcorn! Delicious Cookie dough! Multiple flavors! Help your school!
Flavors Cookie Dough Oatmeal Raisin Snickerdoodle Peanut-Butter Chocolate Chunk *48 pre rolled cookie dough squares* White Chip Macadamia Nut Chocolate Candy Cookie
Flavors Popcorn! Sea Salt and Caramel Strawberries and Cream Chili Cheddar Cinnamon Toast *One gallon of popcorn for every purchase* Classic White Cheddar Peanut Butter Cup
School Spirit Supports your… Maywood sports Maywood clubs Maywood assemblies Maywood lunch activities Athletic transportation
Prizes!!! Sell 2: Discount card and socks (1st ticket in drawing) Sell 5: Candy bar (2nd ticket in the drawing) Sell 10: Pop socket (3rd ticket in drawing) Sell 15: Bag of popcorn (4th ticket in drawing)
Prizes!!! Sell 20: Custom Maywood cinch bag (5th ticket in drawing) Sell 25: $10 iTunes gift card (6th ticket in drawing) Sell 30: Skull candy J-bids (7th ticket in drawing) Sell 35: 2 movie tickets (8th ticket in drawing)
Prizes!!! Sell 40: Custom Maywood jacket (9th ticket in drawing) Sell 45: $20 Starbucks gift card TOP SELLER: $50 Visa gift card (10th ticket in the drawing) TOP CLASS: Voo Doo doughnuts! TOP CLASS’ TEACHER: $50 Visa gift card!
You will get ALL of the prizes for how many you sell, and above) If you win the drawing, you could win… 2 SEAHAWKS TICKETS *OR* 32” HDTV You will get ALL of the prizes for how many you sell, and above)
How to Sell 101 Introduce yourself Tell them you’re a Maywood Charger! Tell them our cause! Introduce the product Ask them to help support us THANK THEM!!
Success Tips! Sell multiple products per person Sell some EACH day! Ask parents/guardians to take it to work and sell Message people you know Commit and give it your all!
Bonus!!! If we reach our goal of selling $80,000… The top 10 sellers will get to… Spin the… Wheel of… MISFORTUNE !!!! (For all of the officers)
Added Bonus!!! If we reach our goal of selling $80,000… WE WILL BUY A SECOND SCREEN FOR THE GYM!!!!
Turn in Dates Turn-In Dates: Turn in envelope with order log and money Wednesday, September 27th Wednesday, October 3rd Turn in envelope with order log and money Checks made out to Maywood Middle School Product Delivery Date: Wednesday, November 1st