New manufacturing technologies - Additive Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing (AM) Initially seen only for concept modelling and rapid prototyping, but now also; Pilot series production and short series where tooling costs would be too high, High geometrical complexity not possible with conventional manufacturing techniques. Materials Number of available materials is still limited, but growing; Plastics (Polyamide, ABS, Alumide, Fiber reinforced resins,…) Metals (Stainless Steel, Titanium, Silver, Gold, Aluminum,…) Ceramics (Alumina-silica, Porcelain,..) Advantages Complexity and variety is free there are only few constraints, Little lead time and no assembly required, 3D model sufficient, no direct need for 2D drawings, Less waste, Drawbacks High production costs, Extensive knowledge of material design and AM is required to make quality parts, Surface finish and dimensional accuracy are lower quality than conventional manufacturing techniques, Limited component size, Poor mechanical properties. 3D printed CU coated diffuser for light coupling thyristor wafers (Janusz / Herve)
New manufacturing technologies - Overview summary. Goal Manufacture technique to produce complex parts without the design constraints of traditional manufacturing routes. Timescale to possible deployment Technology available at CERN (Polymer) and in Industry (Metallic) Gains w.r.t. present technology Faster production of complex components (Almost) No Design Limits But limited dimensional accuracy and material properties Possible deployment scope Outside vacuum cooling manifolds Low-mass structural pieces 3D Scanning/Printing of discontinued commercial parts Etc. Present status and outlook Workshop "Challenges on Additive Manufacturing for High Energy Physics“ 3D printing developments at CERN and Industry & The new 3D printing facility at the CERN polymer lab Entire Royal Netherlands Navy fleet undergoes 3D scanning for repairs Section Involvement BTP EC XX EDS XXX KSC PPE SE