Dean After School Club AGM Newsletter Friday 1st June 2012 Number 15 Jubilee Celebrations We had a super street party yesterday and enjoyed sharing a delicious lunch together. The Queen arrived just at the right time and shared in our celebrations! Our recorder group led us in singing the National Anthem and we gave thanks for our Queen. The children will be bringing home tonight a commemorative mug to keep, kindly paid for by The Friends of Dean School so our thanks go to them to help us remember and mark the occasion. Dinner Money Dinner money next half term is £58 for the term or £10 on a weekly basis. Dean After School Club AGM The DASC Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd July at 7pm in the school foyer. Anyone is welcome to attend. Morrisons Bag Packing Thank-you to everyone who helped with the bag packing event last weekend to raise funds for pre-school and school. An amount of £476 was raised which is fantastic. Sports Day Thank-you for the support we had on sports day, the weather was very kind and we had a super afternoon! Dates for this term Tuesday 12th June – Class photographs Tuesday 19th – Friday 22nd June – Class 4 Residential Tuesday 26th June – Move up afternoon for pupils to meet teachers for next year Friday 29th June – Reports home to parents Monday 9th July – Dress rehearsal for KS2 plays Tuesday 10th July – Class 3 & Class 4 plays – afternoon performance KS1 Olympics event at Fairfield School Wednesday 11th July – Class 3 & 4 plays – evening performance KS2 Olympics event at Fairfield School Thursday 12th July – KS1 trip to Muncaster Tuesday 17th July – Music Assembly – 9am Thursday 19th July – Leavers assembly