Assessment & Student Growth Kristen Donnelly MUS 863 Assessment & Student Growth
PERA Performance Evaluation Reform Act (Illinois) Student Growth ‘A demonstrable change in a student’s or group of students’ knowledge or skills as evidenced by gain and/or attainment on two or more assessments, between two or more different points in time.’
Assessment Validity & Reliability Does the test really measure what I want it to? Does the assessment yield repeatable results Rubric Be Specific Definable, Observable and Distinct Avoid quality conclusions (good vs. poor, likert scale etc.) Intra-rater reliability ‘Trade & Grade’
Mirrored Assessment IS IS NOT Series of comparable assessments that can measure and monitor learning over 2 or more points in time. Designed with the same form, content, and level of complexity Assess essential skills which are taught and practiced prior to the assessment Questions or exercises that are similar and comparable but not identical IS NOT NOT identical Measure growth of skills, memorizing vocabulary does not measure longitudinal learning
Ideas for the Classroom Performance Based Assessment Embedded Assessment Used within regular practices of instruction Teacher constantly assessing Solo Singing in Class Student Wears Recorder Raised Hand Perform Song Beginning/End of Year Quartet Performance Rehearsal Recordings Formal Assessment Music Theory Incorporating Writing Song Analysis Form What I Learned Journal Assessment builds credibility for your program!