How to Organize Facts into Main Ideas and Details
Purpose The purpose of this lesson is to teach you a strategy for organizing facts into main ideas and details.
The world is full of topics we can learn about. Think about all of the topics we can learn about related to weather. For example. . . Tornadoes Clouds Hurricanes Rain Wind
Every topic has lots of facts we can learn about Every topic has lots of facts we can learn about. Think of these as raindrops. For example . . . Topic = Rain Rain water evaporates into the sky to form clouds. Rain is the liquid form of water. When rain water dries up it evaporates into a gas. Rain is a form of precipita-tion. When there is too much rain there can be a flood. Rain waters cause floods when they come down too quickly in flash floods. When water condenses it becomes a rain cloud. Sometimes floods are caused by too much rain getting into rivers.
It’s hard to remember all of these facts when they are not organized It’s hard to remember all of these facts when they are not organized!! It is like trying to hold water in your hands. Some facts are bound to slip away!
That’s why good writers organize their writing into main ideas That’s why good writers organize their writing into main ideas. Think of these as buckets to hold categories of facts.
Let’s take a look at an example using the details we saw before Let’s take a look at an example using the details we saw before. Which facts match the main idea for this bucket? Rain water evaporates into the sky to form clouds. Rain is a form of precipita-tion. Rain is the liquid form of water. Sometimes floods are caused by too much rain getting into rivers. Main Idea = Rain is a part of the water cycle. Read through all the facts. Then start in the top left and go down and then across. Click on each to reveal if a fact does or does not match the main idea in the bucket. Rain waters cause floods when they come down too quickly in flash floods. When there is too much rain there can be a flood.
Now let’s think in reverse Now let’s think in reverse. Which main idea bucket would be the best match for these facts or details? 1. Flash floods are caused by heavy rainfall in a short period of time. 2. Floods can destroy homes and can make people drown. 3. Sometimes floods are caused by too much rain getting into rivers. 4. When there is too much rain there can be a flood. Read through all the facts and main idea buckets. Click on the buckets to reveal the answer. Main Idea = Rain can fall on the ground and in rivers. Main Idea = Rain can cause destructive floods. Main Idea = Rain falls from the sky. This main idea bucket is too small or specific. Facts 1, 2, and 4 wouldn’t fit in this bucket. This main idea bucket is just right. It fits all four facts above, but would not fit the facts from the water cycle bucket. This main idea bucket is too big or broad. Facts from the water cycle bucket could fit here too.
Review Remember that it is easier to learn and remember new facts and ideas when you organize them into main ideas and details. Details must match the main idea. Main ideas must be “just right” in size. If they are too small or specific some details won’t fit. If they are too big or broad facts about other main ideas can match too, and it will be too confusing.