Remote Sensing ET Online Tool Ted W. Sammis1, Junming Wang1, Vince P Remote Sensing ET Online Tool Ted W. Sammis1, Junming Wang1, Vince P. Gutschick2 1 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University 2 Biology Department, New Mexico State University Good morning.
Objective To build a remote sensing ET tool on the Internet. It will automatically download and process weather and satellite data and automatically output text data and graphs for the area and time of interest that is defined by a user.
Input data Area and time defined by a user, MODIS satellite data: MODIS L1B raw data and surface temperature. (TB’s storage), Weather data: daily reference ET, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. (may not be available at some ground locations).
Output ET text data file and the graphs (spatial and temporal)
Input weather data NWS forecast data (5 km grid for the whole US) have being downloaded and processed for model inputs
Forecast vs. measured data The forecast climate data is similar to the measured data except for the solar radiation data which may need to be scaled from clear sky radiation differently than the FAR24 function. When the reference Et is calculated using the penman equation the forecast and measured data of reference Eto are only differ by 3 percent.
Internet tool flowchart
Run.bat flowchart
Input dates and area
Output Your request was processed. The links for the ET file is From: RemoteSensingET [] Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:50 PM To: jwang@nmsu.ed Subject: ET results Your request was processed. The links for the ET file is . To view the visualizations please go to:
Visualization page:
Documentation: http://remotesensing. nmsu
Future work Improve the tool Install it on a super computer More model evaluations at other locations
Thank You!