ELLs in US public schools
Guess the Meaning Question: ESL 선생님한테 영어 배우려고 ESL 교실 갈 때, 저는 교실에서 다른 친구들이 배우는 것을 같이 할 수 없어서 아쉬워요. 제가 당연히 영어를 못한다고 친구들이나 선생님이 단정해 버리는 것이 속상해요. When I have to go to ESL classroom, I feel sorry that I could not learn what my classmates learn together. My classmates including the classroom teacher assume that I can not speak in English. That hurts me.
How do ELLs feel in the classroom? I don’t know. I feel sorry that I could not understand it. How can I know it? I am marginalized, right? Mom, I want to dropout. I hate you because you don’t understand me. I am different from you. Leave me alone. I will come back to my country. I am not a monkey.
English Language Learners’ Wish Mom, I want to go to school. Awake me up early in the morning! My classmates understand my English. That’s awesome. I did not know that John and Patty liked me. Thanks for understanding my culture. I respect your culture, too.
How can US schools support ELLs? Pull out ESL Classroom Model International School Model Bilingual Tutorial Support Model Immersion Model
Demonstration 1 Pull out classroom model Pythagorean theorem Excuse me, Mr. Min. I don’t know.
Demonstration 2 International school model Pythagorean theorem Excuse me, Mr. Min. I don’t know.
Group Discussion Pull out model International school model because it is inevitable phenomenon to us. If ESL students feel uncomfortable, teachers and their classmates need to help them to overcome. It is a kind of ICLT. With their own perspective, they can explore and learn the mainstream culture. Without this experience, they might not understand the general US culture. make international students comfortable at schools. However, they might lose valuable experience to understand the mainstream. It is not segregated school, but the qualification such as less than four years hinders others entering that school. It means that they lose opportunity to experience various cultures including NES
Personalized Theory ELLs Teacher Teacher Mainstream Another Mainstream ELLS
The End Thank you so much for attending.
Schools Structured to Support Personalization And Academic Rigor Students and teachers work together for at least a whole year in a team. Four or five teachers, including a science, mathematics, social studies and English teachers work together in an interdisciplinary team to plan instruction and provide support for about 75 students. All students are immediately immersed in challenging content through an activity-based curriculum that allows students to practice their English as they learn mathematics, social studies, literature and science. Students support each other by working in small groups to complete their projects and thus have more opportunities to use their new language. They may also use their native language to learn the material and help each other. Arts, music, technology and physical education are also included. These teachers may work with the same group of students for two years. These teams of teachers meet for several hours each week. Because they know their students well, these interdisciplinary instructional teams can make the best decisions on how to organize lessons and activities, to provide extra support or challenges when needed, and to assess students continuously. Class size is no more than 25. Some classes are even smaller. At some Internationals, students are able to take college courses and can attain college credits while simultaneously working towards high school graduation.
The International Approach Beliefs and practices: Teaching And Learning ***Our students require the ability to understand, speak, read and write English with near-native fluency to realize their full potential within the United States and in the global economy. In an increasingly interdependent world, proficiency in a language other than English is a resource for the student, the school and the society. *** Students learn language through content through activity-based learning and a variety of assessment/end products We do not organize separate ESL or bilingual classes. Every teacher is a language teacher. Since English is the lingua franca, English language is fostered through collaborative student work on projects. Native language is fostered through project-based work among students sharing a language and through inclusion of native language products in varying forms. The locus of control for language use is the student, mediated by the context. Students make oral presentations often, starting early in their career and culminating in portfolio presentations at key junctures in their academic paths.