Ms. Pickens’ 2nd Grade May/June 2017 News Calendar May 8th Field Trip Lunch Forms Due May 9th Spring Reading MAPS Testing May 12th Cowboy/Cowgirl Dress-up Day May 12th MooTown Plop Down Tickets Due May 15th May/June Book Orders Due May 16th Spring Field Trip May 17th 2nd Grade Science Fair May 19th 2nd Grade Track and Field Day @ 9 May 20th MooTown Plop Down/Carnival 2-5 May 29th Memorial Day – No School June 7th Governor’s Cup Run @ 10:30 June 9th Last Day of 2nd Grade The April MBI winner of the month was Victoria. Great job always doing your best and never giving up! Happy Birthday Will – 11th What’s Happening in Second Grade Summer Vacation is only 25 days away, which brings me to the last newsletter of the year! This year has been very memorable and each of your children have found a very special place in my heart. It has been a pleasure to learn and grow with them this year. It’s going to be bittersweet to send them off to a new building. In the month of April we finished our habitat and plant life cycle units. The students are looking forward to bringing their plants home to replant! Our ladybugs have arrived and are getting bigger and bigger each day. They are in the larva stage and should be going into the pupa stage any day now. We can’t wait for them to become adult ladybugs! We have also been working very hard on writing all different kinds of poems. I am so proud at the creativity I am seeing! This week, we started our unit on Lewis and Clark. It is amazing how much “my little corps members” are engaged and involved in this learning process. History is so fun to learn, especially when it happened in our own backyard. The last month of school will go by very quickly, as we have so many fun activities planned. Our field trip to Travelers’ Rest and the Ag Ed Farm will be very exciting for the students, as well as the track meet and the Governor’s Cup Run. We will finish second grade with a fun and exciting unit on the States of Matter!!! 2nd grade is going to end with a bang! Please watch your student’s folder as I will be sending more information about upcoming events as they get closer. Thank you for sharing your child with me this year. It has been wonderful and I want to thank you for all that you do to help your child succeed. Have a wonderful summer! Learning Targets for May and June Phonics – -ed & -ing endings, -ture &-tion endings, prefixes mid & mis, and suffixes –less & -ness Grammar- Review Writing– Informative Writing and Poetry Handwriting- preparing for cursive Math – Geometry and Fractions, Metric Measurement S.S. & Science–Lewis and Clark and States of Matter Olweus- Careers, Feelings, and Kelso’s Choices Study Habits and Summer Work!!! Keep up the great work of studying hard for the last month of school. At the end of the school year I will be sending home a packet of activities. This packet will be very beneficial for your student to maintain the skills they have learned in 2nd grade. Remember to read at least 10 minutes everyday, even in the summer!!! Summer Birthday Celebrations Summer Birthday -------Celebration Date Michael – June 25th ---------May 15th Landon – June 29th ---------May 24th Zoe – July 6th------------------May 30th Brady – August 18th --------June 2nd Bodie –August 21st --------June 6th *Students may bring in a treat to celebrate their summer birthday.