Melissa Fjeldsted Ryan Relf Jordan Newton James Cameron “Film making is not about film; not about sprockets. It’s about ideas. It’s about images, it’s about imagination. It’s about story telling.” Melissa Fjeldsted Ryan Relf Jordan Newton
Objective Goal: To show that his characteristics are portrayed throughout his films. Show his unique creativity within the usage of sound, cinematography, lighting. We will be analyzing Titanic (1997), Avatar (2009), and Aliens (1979).
History James Cameron was born August 16th, 1954 in Ontario, Canada. He moved to California in 1971 when he was 17. His very first job happened to be a truck driver. Love for deep sea diving (Abyss, Titanic) He had a big interest in special affects. The movie that inspired him to get into film, was in 1997, Star Wars. This sparked the interest of science fiction. During college, he would read people’s graduate papers and photo copy the thesis, and study it.
Characteristics of his films Strong, outgoing women in his films. (Reflected by his former spouses) Color Music Sound Cinematography Perfectionist – He wants everything done his way, favors actors and actresses and uses them in multiple files. (ex. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver)
Special Effects
Cinematography Enjoys doing close up’s during fight scenes or action. He believes it makes you feel “more in the moment” and like you’re there He also likes to do wide shots to establish the settings Effective camera angles to portray an important idea in each film
In Summary Believes in a strong female role. Strong sense of creativity. Effective camera angles. Vibrant colors and sounds Directed the two most grossing films of all time. Avatar and Titanic. The theme is based on the story and creativity of the shot.
The End
The End “Pick up a camera. Shoot something. Not matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and sister star in it. Put your name on it as a director. Now you’re a director. Everything after that you’re just negotiation your budget and your fee.”
Sources Youtube clips. resources/English/91480-B/91480-EXP-B-student3-001.pdf millions-dollars +wide+shots&source=bl&ots=cDtDmWlw8M&sig=IVmDhitNOlooNZIDKqvf6GRteTU&hl=en&sa= X&ei=DN4yVYDDKtHSoASS9IDACw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=james%20cameron% 20wide%20shots&f=false