pandora By: Tara and Lexi
Who is Pandora? Pandora was made from clay by a black smith, Hephaestus, by the order of Zeus She was made to punish mankind for accepting Prometheus’s gift of fire, stolen from Zeus She was the first woman on Earth She was given a gift from each god
The life of pandora She was given a box from a god, Hermes, and was told not to open it She was given curiosity from Hera. She married Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, to show he was blameless for his brother’s actions She had a perfect life, but she was curious about the box
The golden box She truly tried not to open the box , but her curiosity got the best of her and she opened the box When she opened the box, spites, diseases, old age, famine, insanity, worries, hate, crime, envy, turmoil, strife, and everything bad came out The one thing left was hope If hope had flown free, no hope would have been possible