The Indices of Deprivation Poverty and deprivation: Statistics for Action – Places: What are the local/ devolved administration/ UK needs? 10 February 2015 Baljit Gill, Department for Communities and Local Government (with Dr. Tom, Smith, Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion)
Updating the Indices The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is updating the Indices of Deprivation, for publication in summer 2015 The work is being carried out by Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) NatCen Social Research has assisted with user engagement for the update
The Index of Multiple Deprivation measures relative deprivation at neighbourhood level based on 7 domain Indices “…people can be said to be deprived if they lack the types of diet, clothing, housing, household facilities and fuel and environmental, educational, working and social conditions, activities and facilities which are customary.” (Townsend, 1987)
Indices in the UK England IMD 2010 published March 2011. Next due in summer 2015 Contact: Scotland: SIMD 2012 published in December 2012. Next due in autumn 2016 contact Wales WIMD 2014 published in November 2014. contact: Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM) 2010 published May 2010. Similarities and differences between the Indices of Deprivation across the UK:
What do users value about the Indices? They measure deprivation on a consistent basis, allowing comparisons with other areas They can identify pockets of deprivation Can track the relative deprivation of areas over time Can focus on specific domains They are authoritative, independent, endorsed by Government They can be accessed equally by all They allow speedy and efficient allocation of programme funding, including relatively small budgets Consistency over time – but appetite for change is low
Data: from operational purposes to a means of targeting resources… Indices have provided a push for greater release of small area administrative data Positive signs: Departments/government agencies have set up ways to access the data more easily
Current and future data challenges Income Deprivation the proportion of the population in an area experiencing deprivation relating to low income Sources: DWP, HMRC, Home Office Employment Deprivation the proportion of the working age population in an area involuntarily excluded from the labour market Source: DWP Measures based on receipt of benefits and tax credits ie proxy for low income Subject to changes in welfare policy affecting eligibility availability of proxy data eg on sanctions Future: availability and suitability of Universal Credit data (and opportunities eg for alignment across UK Indices) HMRC data for small area income estimates?
Register to receive updates on ID 2015 DCLG is updating the English Indices of Deprivation, including the Index of Multiple Deprivation, for publication in summer 2015 Find out more at: Register to receive alerts about the Indices by emailing: