Teaching with iPads Tech Retreat 2014 - Calhoun
Let’s Just Talk .... Nope --- you will not be creating something new today – just relax and think. (no, not about dinner)
How do you use your iPads? Center station Research tool Presentation tool Skill reinforcement Brain break Behavior reinforcement Recess idea – hey, not judging - it happens
Now how do you want to use it? Center station Research tool Presentation tool Skill reinforcement Brain break Behavior reinforcement Cooperation group learning Independent learning Recess idea – hey, not judging - it happens
Face it -- But how do we do that without creating more stress? WE WANT IT ALL FOR FREE!!! But how do we do that without creating more stress? HMMMMMMMMMMM………………………..
What are your objectives? Go back and think about your reason for using ipads. Does your app/resource support your desired outcome? Can you use an application to meet that need Poplet Class Dojo BrainPOP Nearpod ScreenChomp Educreation
I am not sure how to do it but….. Use your resources and EACH OTHER. Look around this room and your campus. There are some AMAZING Teachers you see everyday. USE them – it makes most of feel good for 2.5 sec. before “that kid” makes us doubt our career choice…. Again. Share when you find something cool. No need to hide your light.
Internet Safety www.netsmartz.org click on picture. There are also resources For tweens and teens
Some of my favorite ideas www.MrNussbaum.com click on picture to link to website
The kid should see this…
Cool Math Games Mobile
Websites that are possible with Rover or Photon etc. Nasa Kids Club http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/education/index.cfm?page=67 Annenberg Learner Interactives http://www.learner.org/interactives/dailymath/ BBC Bitesize http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/
How to manage it all How do you want to manage the usage. Assign numbers Partners with even/odd days Free grab How do you decide how to make the usage more meaningful? Assign activities that support the skills your are already doing.
One of my favorite tech resources…
New & Fun ideas when brain dead The 3 Tech Ninjas http://www.the3techninjas.org/#!educational-sites/c1a7o Free technology for Teachers http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ Google Doc link to share ideas with each other. http://tinyurl.com/pwa8ybj
Things I tell myself often…. Take your time – Rome was not built in a day. Approach it when you are comfortable and ready. This is not a competition. Technology is always changing so find something you are comfortable with and is the right fit for you.