Distance Education Captioning & Transcription Grant Update (DECT) Online Teaching Conference San Diego June 2010 James Glapa-Grossklag, Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons Project Director, DECT
Today’s Topics What is the DECT grant? Why do you need it? What is eligible for funding? How can you get the money? Questions, Suggestions
What is the DECT Grant?
What is the DECT Grant? A commitment to support all students A recognition that distance education is the fastest growing sector A means for you to support faculty innovation and expand student success
Why do CCCs need this funding?
What is eligible for funding? 1. Distance education classes at CCCs 2. Live / synchronous for distance education 3. Delayed / asynchronous for distance education 4. For-credit and non-credit courses (not community education, community extension)
What are the funding processes? Payment Method A You choose a vendor that is not pre-approved You apply Vendor does the work You pay DECT reimburses you
What are the funding processes? Payment Method B You choose from pre-approved vendors You apply Vendor does the work DECT pays the vendor directly
What vendors can you use with Payment Method B (direct payment)? Delayed / Asynchronous Captioning and Transcription Automatic Sync Technologies (AST) Contact: Kara Stark, 877-278-7962 x777 dect@automaticsync.com Caption Colorado Contact: Randy Holyfield, 619-540-7490, 800- 775-7838 randyh@captioncolorado.com People Support Rapidtext, Inc. Contact: Kathy Furlan, (949) 439-2950, (800) 234-0304 x47124 kfurlan@peoplesupport.com Real Time Remote / Live Webcast Captioning Quick Caption, Inc. Contact: Antha Ward, 951-779-0787 award@quickcaption.com Caption Colorado Contact: Randy Holyfield, 619-540-7490, 800- 775-7838 randyh@captioncolorado.com People Support Rapidtext, Inc. Contact: Kathy Furlan, (949) 439-2950, (800) 234-0304 x47124 kfurlan@peoplesupport.com
What else? With your application, submit a quote from vendor Application is at: www.canyons.edu/captioning Submit end-of-term report on retention and success rates
and the support of its DSPS staff For More Information James Glapa-Grossklag Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons Project Director, DECT T 661.362.3632 james.glapa-grossklag@canyons.edu Jill T. Roberson DECT Program Assistant T 661.362.3177 F 661.362.3697 captioning@canyons.edu www.canyons.edu/captioning DECT gratefully acknowledges the funding of the California Community Colleges’ Chancellor’s Office and the support of its DSPS staff