Africa is a continent that has been torn with conflict since most countries gained their independence in the 1960’s. The following are some of the major conflicts that have occurred in the past twenty years that the “West” has reported on, but did little about.
Conflicts in Africa since the mid 1990’s
According to the commercials, a “Diamond is Forever.” For the many of the people of Africa, the path of diamonds are also forever.
“Conflict Diamonds” are those that are smuggled out of African countries that are in conflict. The diamonds are used to finance the wars in several countries. You can ask jewelers to show certificates indicating that you are not buying conflict diamonds.
Brutal African conflicts financed with “blood diamonds” since the 1990’s. Sierra Leone Liberia Dem. Rep of Congo (current) Angola
In the 1990’s, governments in both countries were overthrown by rebels In the 1990’s, governments in both countries were overthrown by rebels. The conflicts were largely along tribal/ethnic lines. Sierra Leone Liberia .
"There was killing every day and night, mostly people from my tribal group. You can't change who you are." Since the USA created Liberia in the 1840’s in a program that sent slaves back to Africa, the people thought there was a special bond between us. They were wrong.
Splinter groups of rebels grew up throughout both of the countries Splinter groups of rebels grew up throughout both of the countries. There was a lack of a functioning government in most of the countries. The war in Liberia was led by Samuel Doe, a member of the powerful Krahn tribe (note the American name.)
With the collapse of civil order, rebels and government troops committed atrocities against the people.
The wars created hundreds of thousands of refugees in the countries. The UN tried to set up refugee camps, but they were often not safe from the fighting.
The rebel groups often attacked villages, killed or maimed the adults, forced the young boys into becoming soldiers and kidnapped the girls. This became the model for wars in Africa.
Often times the rebels cut off hands or feet rather than kill Often times the rebels cut off hands or feet rather than kill. This required another person to help take care of them.
President Leaf, the elected leader of Liberia today, is U. S President Leaf, the elected leader of Liberia today, is U.S. educated but faces a monumental task in rebuilding the country.