Sinotrust Module One New Consultant Skill Building April 16, 2000 Training Program Module One New Consultant Skill Building April 16, 2000 Module 5
Training Program Agenda Questionnaire Design Interview Skill Interview Note Basics of Spreadsheet Appendix: Source of Information interviewing
Questionnaire Design Questionnaire Format Filing and pathing-Header and Footer Questionnaire title Subsection title Interviewing information Background of interviewee organisation questions interviewing
Questionnaire Design Designing Prepare for writing Write questionnaire Understand objectives of: case workstream interviews Preview blank slides Determine information to be gathered from interviews (quantitative for graphs, qualitative for quotes) Translate blanks into survey content Develop a logical structure Obtain feedback from manager, case team Consider potential sensitivities when writing questions *Ask the Bain Research and Data Analysis Group in Boston for help in designing complex questionnaires interviewing
How to Write a Questionnaire (1 of 2) Questionnaire Design How to Write a Questionnaire (1 of 2) Content Structure Design Write a short introduction (your name, purpose of Interview, flattery). Mention any contact name that you may have “My name is Ruma Sanyal from Sinotrust. I spoke with Ray Gonzalez in your sales department; he gave me your name as someone who really understands the importance of managing supplier relationships.” Tie each question to a blank slide Write unbiased questions and offer ranges if possible “Would you say growth is less than 25%, 25-49%, or 50% or more? Not would you say growth is, 25%” Avoid jargon CAGR, ROS Ask follow-on questions How? Why? Ask alienate questions, if needed What is the growth rate? OR Is growth rate between 10-20% or 20-50%? Group questions logically prices, costs, market size Place “must-know” questions before “nice-to-know” ones Start with an easy or intriguing question “How long have you been in the business?” Put most difficult/sensitive questions toward the end “What is your gross margin on ceramic tile?” Add prompts for difficult questions “Can you give me an example?” “Do you think that segment is growing or shrinking?” Facilitate data entry number questions standardize format Facilitate note taking add lines/check boxes leave space after each question for taking notes highlight key words/phrases interviewing
How to Write a Questionnaire (2 of 2) Questionnaire Design How to Write a Questionnaire (2 of 2) Each question should tie to a blank slide. Situation: You have been asked to assess potential growth opportunities for China rental car market. Blanks: 100 100 100 100.0 Segment D Leisure 80 80.0 66 Segment C 60 60.0 Leisure Rental Car Market: Business(MM RMB) Segment B China Rental Car Market (MM RMB) 40.0 40 Business Business 20 Segment A 20.0 $0.0 $0 1997 2000 2000 Questions: What percentage of the current market is business? Leisure? How big do you think the market will be in the year 2000? In the year 2000, what percentage of the market will be business? Leisure? What are the customer segments for the business market? How much share of the market will each segment have in the year 2000? Will there be any new segments in the year 2000? interviewing
Training Program Agenda Questionnaire Design Interview Skill Interview Note Basics of Spreadsheet Appendix: Source of Information interviewing
Interview Skill Interviewing Steps There are five basic steps for conducting an interview Set up interview Provide introduction Control the conversation Take detailed notes End interview Determine best time to call/visit Get contact name for the right person Schedule interview Say your name and reason for Interview set up interview time or start interview Keep conversation moving Anticipate responses Probe Validate Capture data and quotes Write detailed notes immediately after each interview Make sure you have all key information before ending the conservation Thank interviewee Ask if you may call or visit with follow-up questions Ask for more contacts who can answer your questions interviewing
Interview Skill Interviewing Before Interview During Interview After Interview Review proposal/blank slide/questionnaire to understand the objectives of case and interview Determine key information required Decide whom to call/interview Decide which are the most important and which are the least important interviewees Decide which interviews to make first Establish timeline for completing interviews Rehearse/ask an experienced team member to make the first interviews to-gather with you , if you feel inexperienced Introduce yourself politely and confidently Refer to contact of authority Use terminology with which the person is familiar Move quickly from question to question Switch conversation to relevant topics Determine what the interviewee will be able and willing to answer Ask for clarification Force interviewees to be specific Understand reasons behind interviewee’s opinions Prompt with ranges when specific information is not available Ask for explanation of terms Rephrase interviewees statement to ensure total understanding Write interview note immediately after interview Call or visit again if any key information missing Prepare for next interview *Ask the Bain Research and Data Analysis Group in Boston for help in designing complex questionnaires interviewing
Training Program Agenda Questionnaire Design Interview Skill Interview Note Basics of Spreadsheet Appendix: Source of Information interviewing
Interview Note Note Taking During Interview After Interview Begin writing as soon as interviewee begins answering Write down key words or phrases However, do not let note taking interrupt the “flow” of the connection Fill in questionnaire as much as possible Schedule breaks between interviews to write notes Recall and fill in questionnaire unfilled during interview Make “qualitative notes”. For example, take notes to remind yourself about the interviewer. This will help you in choosing who to call back, if there in needy Interview note summarize interviewee opinions or insights which questionnaire does not tell interviewing
Interview Note Interview Note Format filing and sourcing Interviewing information Highlighting summary Highlighting key findings Interview findings interviewing
Training Program Agenda Questionnaire Design Interview Skill Interview Note Basics of Spreadsheet Appendix: Source of Information interviewing
Training Program Spreadsheet Format Enter:=cell(“filename”) Enter: =now() Filing and sourcing Assumptions Calculations interviewing
Training Program Agenda Questionnaire Design Interview Skill Interview Note Basics of Spreadsheet Appendix: Source of Information interviewing
Appendix: Sources of Information Training Program Appendix: Sources of Information Typically, there are several sources for the information you are seeking. General industry facts Specific facts about suppliers, customers, or competitors Government agencies Trade associations Magazine editors Authors of articles Source cited in article Investment analysts Type of information Sources General information Investor relations, Public relations Cost data Purchasing Plant size and operations Manufacturing, Maintenance Number of employees Personnel Automation, new technology Engineering, Manufacturing, R&D Sales plans, distribution strategy Sales, Marketing, Customer service interviewing