CC CC CC facebook Christopher Columbus Wall Info Photos Timeline Logout Christopher Columbus Wall Info Photos Timeline Write something… Share View photos of Columbus CC 1486 - I went today to petition my plans to the Spanish court but I was refused. Send Columbus a message Poke message MRS. Columbus 1486 – Don’t get discouraged, maybe next time Information Birthday: 1451 Networks: Spain Political: Independent Religion: Catholic Hometown: Genoa Italy 1487 - I submitted my plans to King Henry VII of England and King Charles VIII of France but they both decline my proposals CC Father Perez 1491 – I am going to talk with Queen Isabella in regards to your plans Friends King Ferdinand 1492 - CC- come see us this next week about your voyage ideas Father Perez Isabella Ferdinand CC 1492 – Voyage approved, set sail next week Fernando Mrs. Columbus Ponce de Leon
Christopher Columbus: is getting ready to return to the High Seas facebook Wall Info Photos Boxes Christopher Columbus Logout Christopher Columbus: is getting ready to return to the High Seas Wall Info Photos Timeline Basic Information Networks: Italy Sex: Male Birthday: 1451 Hometown: Genoa Italy Relationship Status: Married Political Views: Independent Religious Views: Catholic View photos of Columbus Send Columbus a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Copying old maps about wind currents and Hanging out with my son Fernando Interests: Sailing, cartography Favorite Music: Beethoven, Mozart, Bach Favorite Plays: Macbeth Favorite Books: Bible , The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Geography by Ptolemy Information Birthday: 1451 Networks: Spain Political: Independent Religion: Catholic Hometown: Genoa Italy Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 1451 Main Street, Cadiz, Spain My Explorations Updated last Tuesday The Ships Updated two months ago
Christopher Columbus: is getting ready to return to the High Seas facebook Wall Info Photos Timeline Christopher Columbus Logout Christopher Columbus: is getting ready to return to the High Seas Wall Info Photos Timeline Photos of Columbus 5 Photos Columbus’s Albums 3 Photo Alums 5 photos My Ships 13 Photos My Explorations 1 photo Profile Pictures
Christopher Columbus 1492 September 8 - The Voyage of Christopher Columbus began 1492 September 15 The ships touched at the Canaries the conditions were favorable 1492 September 20 The Sargasso Sea - the conditions change. Columbus kept two log books to deceive the crew as to the real length of the voyage 1492 September 23 The Crew Members Become Disgruntled 1492 October 7 False Landfall is spotted 1492 October 11 There is near Mutiny from the crew 1492 October 12 Land was seen plainly by one of the Pinta's crew 1492 October 12 Columbus lands on Watling's Island in the Bahamas, West Indies. The discoverers named the island San Salvador. Columbus believes that he has reached the passage to India and China 1492 October 28 Cuba 1492 December 5 the Santa Maria sinks off the cost of Hispaniola Christopher Columbus establishes the first Spanish settlement in the New World 1492 January 16 Christopher Columbus starts the return journey home to Spain