I am Two: Seeing things my way! Dr Kay Mathieson
Birth Three months Fifteen months Two years Greenfield, S. Brain Story BBC 2000
Sensitivity ‘Sensitive periods’ in early brain development Binocular vision Central auditory system Habitual ways of responding Language learning High Emotional control Peer social skills Sensitivity Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 P.O. Svanberg Sept 2010
Complex emotions, guilt, shame, empathy Social Learning Attachment Joint attention Object Permanence Social referencing Boundaries Peer relationships Intentions Rules Desires Motivations Identity Gender Theory of mind Negotiation Rule exceptions Moral awareness Dilemmas Complex emotions, guilt, shame, empathy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The two year old’s job description To work out what everything is and what everything does.
Emotional environment Mind mindedness – Elizabeth Meins Sensitivity recognising children’s cues, responding promptly and appropriately Recognition that infants have their own desires, thoughts and intentions Being treated as an individual with a mind rather than just one who has needs which must be met Laranjo,J.,Bernier,A.,Meins,A., (2008) Associations between maternal mind-mindedness and infant attachment security: Investigating the mediating role of maternal sensitivity Infant Behaviour and Development 31, 688-695
Tuning in: Interpreting what we see Recognising competence and confidence Extending competence and confidence Meltzoff, Kuhl, Movellan & Sejnowski (2009) The role of ‘social’ in learning Foundational mechanisms – three social skills of ‘imitation, shared attention, and empathetic understanding’
Watching to understand Moving independently with increasing confidence Frustrated when needing help Still important to crawl, roll, all fours Pushing, pulling Being strong but gentle Finding my edges Upside down and spinning
Inter-related areas of development Personal, social emotional development Communication and language Physical development Implications? PD - implications for personal, social emotional development PD - implications for communication and language CL - implications for personal, social emotional development PSED – implications for communication and language
Perspective taking Understanding our own and other’s intentions Motivation Experience of other’s and their responses Talking, talking and more talking The influence of family talk about feelings and thoughts of others Dunn, Brown, Slomkowski, Tesla & Youngblade 1991 SEAL pictures – develop to photos of current children
Developing a sense of self Who am I when I am with you? Words I am beginning to associate with me Words I associate with others My confidences and competencies Words you associate with yourself
Pretend Play Developing language Building thinking, extending experience Exploring perspective taking Shared meaning with playmates Negotiating changes in direction of play What pretend play are the children showing interest in at the moment
Getting to two Prenatal development ? Healthy, stress free pregnancy ? Social support and close loving relationships ? Birth ? Vulnerable, risk and protective factors ? First year - sleep depravation, finances, anxiety and loads of fun! Confidence, competence and networks of support to call on? When do I become "two”