Bellwork Fall 2017
August 22, 2017 Write 2 goals 1 short term 1 long term
August 23, 2017 If a decimal is present (0.0035), which direction do you move it to convert the number into scientific notation? Will the resulting exponent from above be positive or negative? When multiplying numbers in scientific notation, what do you do with the exponents? Solve: [(2.3 x 10^-3)(4.5 x 10^6)(6.0 x 10)] / [(1.6 x 10^2)(5.3 x 10^-5)(7.2 x 10^8)
August 24, 2017 Put the number 102,300,000 into scientific notation. Take the above number and divide it by (7.0 x 10^-3) Put the answer into correct scientific notation and use the correct amount of significant figures. Solve the following and express the answer in the correct number of significant figures: .0020mL x 1.75mL= 5010g / 12.637g=
August 25, 2017 Solve the following problems and round accordingly: 1.) 1.06723 x 101 x .00995= 2.) [(2.35 x 10^-5)(3.3 x 10^2)] / [(1.043789 x 10^7)(9.12 x 10^-1) 3.) (58.0098 / 1.03456) x (7.206089 x 10^-3) Covert the following notations into real numbers: 4.) 8.4 x 10^-9 5.) 4.1567 x 10^9
August 30, 2017 1. Name a Noble Gas. 2. What is element #80 characterized as? 3. How many significant figures are in the following: A) 2.003 B) 12, 004 C) .0090 4. List the # of protons, neutrons, and electrons in Nitrogen-15. What would you call this atom?
August 31, 2017 1. Titanium has 5 common isotopes: Ti-46 (8.0%), Ti-47 (7.8%), Ti-48 (73.4%), Ti-49 (5.5%), and Ti-50 (5.3%). What is the average atomic mass of titanium? 2. What would Strontium have to do to become an ion? Why does it do this? What would be it’s new charge? 3. Based on the information given, complete the chart: Isotope Name Nuclear Symbol Atomic Number Mass # Charge Proton # Electron # Neutron # 76 -3 43
September 1, 2017 1. Which type of nuclear decay is the slowest? What can stop it? 2. Using the answer for #1, how do you express it’s particle in an equation? 3. Which type of nuclear decay produces the strongest radiation? 4. Write the nuclear equation for the alpha decay of 150 64 𝐺𝑑 5. Write the nuclear equation for the beta decay of 198 85 𝐴𝑡
September 5, 2017 1. Complete the equation and round to the correct number of significant figures. 734 x 1.50 x 360= 2. Complete the chart for the unknown ION: 3. Write the nuclear equation for 148 62 𝑆𝑚 undergoing decay in the following sequence alpha, alpha, beta, alpha. 4. Name 2 uses for beta decay. Ion Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # 15 31 -3
September 6, 2017 Isotope Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # Calcium-40 Isotope Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # 17 Isotope Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # 56 +2 81 Isotope Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # 80 -1 36
September 7, 2017 1. Polonium-214 has a relatively short half life of 164 seconds. How many seconds would it take for 8.0g of this isotope to decay to .25g? 2. Write the nuclear equation for the decay of 195 79 𝐴𝑢 in the sequence of beta, alpha, alpha. 3. Isotope Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # 228 +1 140
September 13, 2017 1. A neutral atom has a mass of 101 and it has 44 electrons. How many neutrons does it have? 2. Which type of nuclear reaction produces the most energy? What is the end product of that reaction? 3. Which isotope is the product of the alpha decay of Berkelium-247? 4. Isotope Name Atomic # Mass Charge Proton # Neutron # Electron # 211 -3 86
September 20, 2017 1. What would be the oxidation number of Oxygen 2. Draw the Bohr Diagram for the atom, Chromium 3. Write the longhand electron configuration for Chromium 4. List and explain the 3 rules for determining an orbital diagram
September 21, 2017 1. Draw the orbital diagram for Selenium 2. Write the shorthand electron configuration for Tin 3. Describe in your own words how light is created 4. How can we use the absorption spectrum to detect the make up of other planets?
September 22, 2017 1. What is the difference (besides mass) between Strontium-87 and Strontium- 88? 2. Explain what happens to the atomic radius as you move down a group. Now explain what happens as you move from left to right across a period. 3. What orbital sublevel do the transition metals fill? What about the Actinides? 4. An ion of Iodine has atomic number 53 and mass number 128 and a -1 charge. Correctly identify the subatomic particles E, P, N.
September 29, 2017 1. What type of atoms use ionic bonds? What type of atoms use covalent bonds? 2. Which atom in the ionic bond will give up an electron? 3. Would solid NaCl be a good conductor? What about if it was dissolved in water? 4. What would be the correct formula for Potassium selenide? 5. Draw a Lewis diagram for each of the atoms in the formula above.
October 2, 2017 1. Name the following compounds: A. Ca( 𝑁𝑂 3 )2 B. KOH 2. Write the formulas for the following compounds: A. Beryllium hydroxide B. Aluminum sulfate 3. When writing the formula for a compound, the charges must equal _____.
October 5, 2017 1. Which of the following compounds are Ionic? A. 𝐵𝑎𝑆𝑂 4 B. (𝑁𝐻 4 )3 N C. C 𝑂 2 D. 𝑁 3 𝐵𝑟 7 2. When naming an acid, when do you use hydro? 3. Write the formula for trifluorine heptaoxide 4. When do you use Roman Numerals?
October 16, 2017 Draw the Lewis Structure and determine the molecular shape for the following molecules: A. 𝑂𝐹 2 B. 𝐴𝑙𝐻 3 *OK with 6 electrons* C. 𝑆𝑖𝐶𝑙 4 D. 𝑃𝐶𝑙 3
October 17, 2017 Draw the Lewis Structure, determine shape, and determine bond polarity for the following molecules: A. 𝑁𝐻 3 B. 𝐶𝐻𝐶𝑙 3 C. 𝑆𝑂 3 D. 𝑂 2
October 18, 2017 1. Which of the following bonds would be considered Polar? A. C-C bond B. Ca-O bond C. S-Cl bond D. Ni-Ag bond 2. What type of bond exists in 𝐻 2 ? A. non-polar B. polar C. Ionic D. Hydrogen 3. Which of the following molecules would be considered ionic? A. 𝐵𝐻 3 B. 𝐶𝑂 2 C. KCl D. FCl 4. What is the molecular shape of a molecule that contains four atoms total and has one lone pair on the center atom?
October 25, 2017 𝐹𝑒𝐵𝑟 3 + 𝐻 2 𝑆𝑂 4 −−→ 𝐹𝑒 2 ( 𝑆𝑂 4 )3 + HBr 𝐶 4 𝐻 6 𝑂 3 + 𝐻 2 𝑂 −−→ 𝐶 2 𝐻 4 𝑂 2 Fe+ 𝐶𝑙 2 −−→ Fe 𝐶𝑙 3 HSi 𝐶𝑙 3 + 𝐻 2 𝑂 −−→ 𝐻 10 𝑆𝑖 10 𝑂 15 + HCl