Chapter 1 Sec 1 Guided Reading
What is Geography? the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create. Landscape: all the human and physical features that make a place unique. Think, don’t write: Describe the landscape of Cairo, Egypt.
Geography as a science: Observe, measure, and view satellite images Geography as a science: Observe, measure, and view satellite images. Geography as a Social Science: Geography deals with people and HOW they live.
Local Level: How do people in a town or community live.
Regional Level A part of the world that has one or more common features that distinguish it from surrounding areas.
Global Level How people interact globally
Geographer’s Tools: MAPS & GLOBES: Both show what the world looks like. Both show where mountains, deserts, oceans, countries and major cities are. A globe is spherical- it can show how The world really is, a map doesn’t. Maps are easier to work with Maps show all sorts of information, globes just show where things are.
Geographers’ Other Tools: Satellite Images Computer Programs Measuring Devices Notebook Tape Recorder