Welcome & Opening Prayer
This week’s video: A Kingdom Torn in Two
On your worksheet… Under “See the Story,” create a simple image or symbol that you think best represents Chapter 14.
There are so many kings!!
Chapter 14
Chapter 14 Notes Jeroboam was in Solomon’s administration and was told by God he was going to be king of Israel (minus one tribe). Solomon didn’t like that and tried to kill him. Jeroboam fled to Egypt. Solomon’s son Rehoboam became king of Judah Jeroboam spoke for the other tribes of Israel “Lighten the harsh labor” – Jeroboam Rehoboam consulted elders & friends “Lighten the people’s labor” – Elders “Make your people suffer” – Friends Rehoboam listened to his friends
Chapter 14 Notes The nation split – just like God had warned Solomon and his people… Jeroboam became king of Israel Created golden calves and built shrines to other gods throughout Israel A man of God spoke out against Jeroboam Jeroboam yelled “Seize him!” and his own hand shriveled. God restored Jeroboam’s hand... But Jeroboam still worshiped false gods Ahijah’s warning (pg. 198) God will uproot Israel.
Chapter 14 Notes What about the nation of Judah? Rehoboam = Bad They were worse! They created shrines to false gods and did sinful things like the other nations did. (pg. 199) Egypt carried off the treasures of the Temple in Jerusalem. Rehoboam = Bad His son Abijah = Bad His son Asa = Good! “Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life,” (pg. 200).
Chapter 14 Notes The Israelite kings were terrible, too. They weren’t from the line of David. They didn’t worship in Jerusalem or worship God. What’s God doing in this chapter? He disapproved of kings who encouraged worship of false gods. He approved of kings who encouraged worship of God and restored worship life in Jerusalem. God blesses those who are obedient to Him. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!” Deut. 6:4
With a partner… Answer the two questions under “Hear the Story.”
On your worksheet… Under “Join The Story,” answer one of the questions.
Discussion Questions
What do you think caused the kingdom of Israel to divide?
What does this story show you about God’s character and what’s important to God?
Can you think of a time when you strayed from God Can you think of a time when you strayed from God? How did you know you were going down the wrong path?
In what ways has God been kind or gracious to you, even when you might not have deserved it?
Read Chapter 15 for next Sunday! No memory work
Sunday Night FLY – Christmas Party! TONIGHT @ 7pm Wear an ugly Christmas sweater Bring a wrapped “White Elephant” gift (under $10)
Progressive Dinner Desserts! Jr. FLY is invited to enjoy desserts and games at church 7pm on Sun, Dec. 18 Bring a dessert & friends!
Closing Prayers