Overnight Pulse Oximetry
Access your VirtuOx Account with use of assigned Username & Password
2 Methods to enter Patient Information into the VirtuOx System 1. VirtuOx Enters: Fax all information to VirtuOx: 877.347.9760 2. DME Enters: Schedule Test
DME ENTRY PROCESS 3. Click on the Binoculars to enter pt info 4. Search for existing patient (if previously entered into the system) OR 4. Enter New Patient (if not found/never entered into system)
5. Enter all required information indicated with the Green Check 6. Click on Binoculars to choose Referring Physician
7. Search by NPI or First/Last Name and State 8. Choose appropriate Referring Physician * The VirtuOx System is linked to the National NPI Database * If the desired Referring Physician is not in the system or needs updated, contact your account representative
9. Enter Patient Diagnosis according to Rx 10. Enter Date as it appears on Rx 11. VPOD Wirelss Device – “Yes” only when using your Freedom Wireless Device (all other ONO Devices – choose “No”) 12. Enter Test Condition and FIO2 according to how the patient is expected to test for ONO 13. Patient Comments allow for communication among team members 14. Certified by : ‘insert your name’ 15. Verify all Physician Information is correct
Print Cover Sheet to be faxed to VirtuOx with signed and dated Patient AOB and Rx if needed
Patient is Successfully entered into the VirtuOx System - ONO Device may now be delivered - with AOB and Instructions 17. Print Pre-Populated Patient Instructions for appropriate device