Technology Perspective and results with mHEMTs Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate ASTRON
Specification R Schillizi et. al. Sept. ‘07 Tinstrument= 40K (excluding sky noise), goal 30K BW 70MHz – 1.0 GHz (two systems) Survey speed ~1/T2 Sensitivity ~1/T SKADS Workshop 2007
Costing A 9 million element system with a total system cost of 250M € can spend: 1,5 € per LNA per Kelvin improvement (Survey) Or 8,5 € for 5 Kelvin improvement, again for Surveys Given a bare die costs of: 0,5 € for Silicon technologies (only 500 12 inch wafers) 2 € for GaAs technologies (2000 6 inch wafers) Low cost technologies cannot compromise on noise! SKADS Workshop 2007
Technology GaAs PsHEMT / mHEMT SiGe BJT with b0 =100: FMIN~30K CMOS In principle similar to GaAs SKADS Workshop 2007
PsHEMT 0.2um technology OMMIC differential LNA 2109 ASTRON design SKADS Workshop 2007
InP Differential LNA NGST SKADS Workshop 2007
mHEMT 70nm OMMIC technology 250GHz fT Differential design Optional on-chip biasing SKADS Workshop 2007
mHEMT 70nm OMMIC technology 250GHz fT Differential design Optional on-chip biasing SKADS Workshop 2007
mHEMT ATNF01_40LNA_05A, Russel Gough 70nm OMMIC technology Designed for 30-50 GHz band 4-stage low-noise amplifier Transistors: 6-fingers, 90um gate width Bias: Vds = 1.0 V Id = 13 mA SKADS Workshop 2007
ATNF01_40LNA_05A 10 circuits were delivered sample of 4 was measured 1 circuit was unstable (|S11|>1) The performance of remaining 3 circuits was similar Measured gain is greater than modelled Input and output match is poorer than expected SKADS Workshop 2007
SiGe IBM technology 8HP (0.13µm) : sub 0.5dB noise figure possible 0.25dB for 9HP?? (relative) high Rn Good power match possible Limited cooling boosts current gain β: Weinreb 2005 SKADS Workshop 2007
SKADS Workshop 2007
SKA / LOFAR workshop! (or focussed session) vaate@astron SKADS Workshop 2007
Conclusion SKA specifications for AA within reach it seems but… T coupling (<5) (active reflection coefficient) T spill-over, ground noise (<5) T antenna losses (<5) Technology choice will be based on performance Good case for III/V, but also CMOS SKADS Workshop 2007