Welcome to Jeopardy!
Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon nygiantsbigblue@yahoo.com
Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!
Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2
Atoms and their Interactions Water Diffusion Life Substances Types of Bond Lipids and Proteins Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
A substance that can’t be broken down into simpler chemical substances $100 A substance that can’t be broken down into simpler chemical substances
$100 What is an Element? Scores
There are this many naturally occurring substances on Earth $200 There are this many naturally occurring substances on Earth
$200 What is 90? Scores
Each element is identified by this one or two letter abbreviation $300 Each element is identified by this one or two letter abbreviation
$300 What is a symbol? Scores
Elements that are present in living things in very small amounts $400 Elements that are present in living things in very small amounts
What are trace elements? $400 What are trace elements? Scores
$500 Smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that element
$500 What is an atom? Scores
$100 Most life processes can occur only when molecules and ions are free to move and dissolved in this
$100 What is water? Scores
$200 A molecule with an unequal distribution of charge, has a positive and a negative end
What is a polar molecule? $200 What is a polar molecule? Scores
This allows water molecule to dissolve many things $300 This allows water molecule to dissolve many things
What is the attraction between polar molecules? $300 What is the attraction between polar molecules? Scores
Daily Double
$400 The hydrogen atoms of water are attracted to these of other water molecules
$400 What are oxygen atoms? Scores
$500 Weak bond between positively charged hydrogen atoms and other negatively charged atoms
$500 What is a hydrogen bond? Scores
All objects in motion have this type of energy $100 All objects in motion have this type of energy
$100 What is kinetic energy? Scores
Random motion of molecules $200 Random motion of molecules
What is Brownian motion? $200 What is Brownian motion? Scores
Diffusion is the net movement from these concentrations $300 Diffusion is the net movement from these concentrations
What is high concentration to low concentration $300 What is high concentration to low concentration Scores
Diffusion is a slow process because it relies on this $400 Diffusion is a slow process because it relies on this
What is random movement of molecules? $400 What is random movement of molecules? Scores
These are the 3 key factors in diffusion $500 These are the 3 key factors in diffusion
What are concentration, temperature, and pressure? $500 What are concentration, temperature, and pressure? Scores
$100 These atoms have 4 electrons available for bonding in its outer energy level
$100 What are carbon atoms? Scores
These are the three types of covalent bonds that Carbon atoms can form $200 These are the three types of covalent bonds that Carbon atoms can form
What are single, double, and triple bonds? $200 What are single, double, and triple bonds? Scores
These are the 3 types of structure Carbon atoms can form $300 These are the 3 types of structure Carbon atoms can form
What are straight chain, branched chain, and ring? $300 What are straight chain, branched chain, and ring? Scores
$400 Compounds with the same simple formula that can have different structures
$400 What are isomers? Scores
Large molecules formed by combining many small molecules $500 Large molecules formed by combining many small molecules
$500 What are polymers? Scores
$100 What is covalent bond? Scores
$200 What is ionic bonding? Scores
$300 What is ionic bond? Scores
$400 Hydrogen
$400 What is covalent bond? Scores
$500 What is Hydrogen Bond? Scores
Lipids are insoluble in water because they are this $100 Lipids are insoluble in water because they are this
$100 What is nonpolar? Scores
Lipids are used for these 4 purposes $200 Lipids are used for these 4 purposes
$200 What are energy storage, insulation, protective coatings, and cell membrane component? Scores
These are the 2 major functions of proteins $300 These are the 2 major functions of proteins
$300 What are provide structure for tissues and organs and carry out cell metabolism? Scores
These 2 factors determine the kind of protein $400 These 2 factors determine the kind of protein
What are the order and the number of amino acids? $400 What are the order and the number of amino acids? Scores
Type of protein that changes the rate of a chemical reaction $500 Type of protein that changes the rate of a chemical reaction
$500 What is an enzyme? Scores
Atom and their Interactions Water Diffusion Life Substances Bond Acid and Base Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
An atom has the same number of these $200 An atom has the same number of these
What are protons and electrons? $200 What are protons and electrons? Scores
The charges of electrons, protons, and neutrons, respectively $400 The charges of electrons, protons, and neutrons, respectively
What are negative, positive, and no charge? $400 What are negative, positive, and no charge? Scores
Regions around the nucleus in which electrons travel $600 Regions around the nucleus in which electrons travel
$600 What are energy levels? Scores
$800 The number of electrons the first and the second energy levels can hold
$800 What are 2 and 8? Scores
Atoms that have different number of neutrons $1000 Atoms that have different number of neutrons
$1000 What are isotopes? Scores
Causes water to creep up thin tubes $200 Causes water to creep up thin tubes
What is capillary action? $200 What is capillary action? Scores
Daily Double
$400 Water resists this
What is temperature change? $400 What is temperature change? Scores
This happens when water freezes $600 This happens when water freezes
$600 What is expand? Scores
$800 Water is responsible for forming this, when it seeps into rocks and freezes
$800 What is soil? Scores
$1000 The result of one atom pulling on the electron more than the other atom
$1000 What is polarity? Scores
Higher concentration has this effect on the rate of diffusion $200 Higher concentration has this effect on the rate of diffusion
$200 What is slow down? Scores
The rate of diffusion does this when the temperature is increased $400 The rate of diffusion does this when the temperature is increased
$400 What is speed up? Scores
An increase in pressure does this to the rate of diffusion $600 An increase in pressure does this to the rate of diffusion
$600 What is increases? Scores
Diffusion occurs until all of these are distributed equally $800 Diffusion occurs until all of these are distributed equally
$800 What are molecules? Scores
$1000 This is the state in which molecules continue to move but nothing changes
What is dynamic equilibrium? $1000 What is dynamic equilibrium? Scores
$200 Chemical reaction that forms polymers with the removal of an -H and an -OH group to form water
$200 What is condensation? Scores
$400 Chemical reaction in which polymers are broken apart as water (-H, -OH) attaches to the bonds between the subunits
$400 What is hydrolysis? Scores
Daily Double
The 3 types of Carbohydrates $600 The 3 types of Carbohydrates
What are Monosaccharide, Disaccharide, and Polysaccharide? $600 What are Monosaccharide, Disaccharide, and Polysaccharide? Scores
$800 Made of highly branched chains of glucose units and is used as food storage by plants in food reservoirs such as seed and bulbs
$800 What is starch? Scores
Mammals store food in the liver in this form $1000 Mammals store food in the liver in this form
$1000 What is glycogen? Scores
Chemical bond formed when 2 atoms share electrons $200 Chemical bond formed when 2 atoms share electrons
$200 What is covalent bond? Scores
$400 Bond formed when the attractive force between 2 oppositely charged atoms
$400 What is ionic bond? Scores
An atom that loses or gains electrons and has an electrical charge $600 An atom that loses or gains electrons and has an electrical charge
$600 What is an ion? Scores
Charge of an ion when it loses an electron $800 Charge of an ion when it loses an electron
$800 What is positive? Scores
Charge of an ion when it gains an electron $1000 Charge of an ion when it gains an electron
$1000 What is negative? Scores
The measure of how acidic or basic a solution is $200 The measure of how acidic or basic a solution is
$200 What is pH? Scores
Any substance that forms hydrogen ions (H+) in water $400 Any substance that forms hydrogen ions (H+) in water
$400 What is an acid? Scores
A substance that forms hydroxide ions (OH-) in water $600 A substance that forms hydroxide ions (OH-) in water
$600 What is a base? Scores
$800 HCl, lemon juice, and H2SO4
$800 What are acids? Scores
$1000 NaOH, ammonia, and Soap
$1000 What are bases? Scores
Final Jeopary Question Jeopardy Nucleic Acid Final Jeopary Question Scores
This is the main function of nucleic acids
What is store cellular information in the form of a code? Scores