Integrate and Fire Neurons Michael Phelan
Topics History Comparison of Models Applications “Excitatory Shot Noise” – Droste and Lindner [1, 2]
History First described in 1907 by Louis Lapicque[3] [4] First described in 1907 by Louis Lapicque[3] Without advanced experimental data, estimated neuronal behavior as a simple circuit Was further developed into the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model
Circuit Diagrams [4] [5]
Applications “Linked Gauss-Diffusion processes for modeling a finite-size neuronal network” – Carfora and Pirozzi 2017[6] “Double-Barrier Memristive Devices for Unsupervised Learning and Pattern Recognition” – Hansen, et al. 2017[7] Event-Driven Random Back-Propagation: Enabling Neuromorphic Deep Learning Machines – Neftci, et al. 2017[8] [7] [9] [6]
“Exact analytical results for integrate-and-fire neurons driven by excitatory shot noise” [10] Felix Droste and Benjamin Lindner June 2017 Humboldt University, Berlin
Abstract and Introduction [12] [11] Presynaptic spike (PS) pulses modeled as Gaussian (Diffusion Approximation, DA) fail to predict real firing rate Vth ~ 10-20 mV, Average PS ~ 1-2 mV Individual PS >10 mV Poisson noise (shot-noise) better models “perfect” LIF Neurons
model 𝑓 𝑣 =𝜇, 𝜇−𝑣, 𝜇+ 𝑣 2 The model must apply a Poisson Noise Time Constant Weighted Shot Noise Voltage Function The model must apply a Poisson Noise A sufficiently low spike weight value and high spike rate can be approximated as Gaussian This is not always the case 𝑓 𝑣 values can describe different neuron behavior dVm(t)/dt Time Signal Time of ith Spike = Ri (Spike Rate) Spike Weight 𝑓 𝑣 =𝜇, 𝜇−𝑣, 𝜇+ 𝑣 2 PIF LIF QIF EIF
Firing Rate Firing rate is defined by multiple variables Firing rate can be estimated as a function of PS input for Poission distribution better than DA Over a range of PS weights and firing rates and slope factors this estimate beats DA
Coefficient of Variation and other results CV (SD/Mean) Comparisons for a QIF show DA is close to simulations for Spike Weigh < 1 By a = 10, a massive difference appears Droste and Lindner’s theory follows the simulation almost exactly This is true of relationships with CV, power spectrum, and susceptibility
Discussion Claim to have produced a better LIF model than standard PS model Advantage: Demonstrate the effects of individual and strong PS for realistic modeling Disadvantage: Does not take inhibitory neuronal input into account Future Applications: May be applied to recurrent neural nets [13] [14]
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