Ideas and design concepts, and challenges DQLPU-B II Ideas and design concepts, and challenges
Content DQLPUB intro Quench detectors Radiation tolerance System Controller New Features Mechanics Integration
DQLPU-B Intro DQLPU-B houses the base-layer quench detection system for LHC’s main quadrupoles Currently houses 2 power supplies, 4x DQQDL and 1x DQAMC Located in the LHC tunnel below the C-Dipole magnets together with 2 DQHDS quench heater power supplies Existing unit is extremely reliable, hard to beat in that aspect...
DQLPU, bits and pieces Quench detector DQQDL Power supplies Controller Quench detectors Controller Crate Crate controller DQAMC
DQULPU-B, Why upgrade ? Existing units age, replacement in LS3 latest Replace in LS2 to unload LS3 New features required: Redundant powering Quench heater supervision Implement the features of DQLPU-A Add some new features to facilitate operation and commissioning
Quench detectors Based on proven ProAsic3E FPGA Hybrid-bridge 3-channel design 16-bit channels with +/-10V input range Detectors for RQD & RQF share the same board and FPGA U1 UB U2
System Controller Hosts several functions: Based on ProAsic3 DQHSU (quench heater supervision) Quench heater supervision DQCSU (crate supervision unit) Monitors supply voltage Monitors the interlock loop state Executes power cycle on crate level Trigger & Timing controller External trigger monitor (nQPS trigger) Provides hi-res counter (unloads field bus coupler) Records trigger-times of detectors to sync PM signals Based on ProAsic3
New Features (compared to DQLPU-A) PM timing integrity due to Timing & Trigger controller Monitoring of nQPS trigger line (finally resolves “who triggered first”) Digital quench detectors with adjustable threshold and better resolution for U1 and U2 JTAG access to all FPGAs facilitates in the field firmware updates enables remote firmware updates if future crate controller allows it...
Radiation Tolerance Rad tolerance up to 10Gy/a, 10a 100Gy Component selection limited Key components already tested: Component Rad test up to Comment A3PE1500 (FPGA) 400Gy (A3P400) Well known, 1636 pieces in LHC since 2010 for SymQ MAX11100 (ADC) 420Gy (good up to 200Gy) Very similar model since 2010 in LHC ADR435 (reference) 500Gy (good up to 200Gy) Leaves specs >200Gy; does not Latch AQV251A (PhotoMOS) 250Gy (good to 150Gy) Breaks in open circuits >175Gy ADuM3402 (digital isolator) 500Gy Already in use on nDQQDI/nDQQDG
Radiation tolerance Key components to test: Component Type Comment TPS7A3001 LDO Neg. Voltage Already used on nDQQDG and parasitically tested TPS7A4901 LDO Pos. Voltage OPA2192 or equivalent General purpose op amp To be defined and seen MEJD0515SC DC-DC 5kV, 2W 2-W type not qualified yet (Medical type, stable baseline) Flash memory SPI-Flash Successor model of AT25F512 or compatible ...
Mechanics & Integration Quench detectors are 6U instead of the traditional 3U All boards to be packaged in cassettes or board-level enclosures Chassis and backplane fully passive Should not be necessary to replace in tunnel Old Field bus coupler will be still used Could be updated at a later stage Final form-factors and enclosures still under evaluation
Mechanical demonstrator Quench detectors System controller Field bus coupler Not final yet, subject to testing, might change completely !
Integration V. Viziello
Integration 11 cable connection between DQLPU and other components of DYPQ 5-cables to be connected during final assembly 4-cables to be connected in tunnel All active parts removable no reason to change crate itself (except broken connectors...) Integration studies to facilitate maintenance in tunnel ongoing
Summary Basic design of Quench detectors defined, prototype under construction First firmware in verification phase System controller requirements defined, to be designed Mechanical studies ongoing Radiation testing of untested components to be done Upgrade has to match reliability of existing unit !