Salt Pinch a of PDG Ernesto “Ernie” Choa Rotary Coordinator, RI Zone 7A Past President, Rotary Club of Bagumbayan Manila, D3810
Membership, RI D3870 01 July Starting Figure 12344 1,323 1,275 1,253 1,252 1,160 1,105 This slide represents D3870 Membership Growth numbers based on interim cut off dates of July 1, beginning Rotary year 2010 to July 1, 2015 latest figure. Comparing our growth rate with other districts, I would say that our membership has constantly declined over the years by an average of 0.02% year-on-year
Membership Viability and Growth, D3870 From 01 July, 2014 to 30 June, 2017 2014 Gain 163 Admitted 2017
Members Terminated, D3870 From 01 July, 2012 to 30 June, 2017
Termination Profile, D3870 From 01 July, 2012 to 30 June, 2017
Termination Profile by Reason, D3790 (ROTARY) From 01 July, 2012 to 30 June, 2016 BUSINESS OBLIGATIONS ATTENDANCE RELOCATION OTHER REASONS ON SAR
One of the compelling reasons as to why we are losing our membership is because we fail to retain our members!
Importance on Value of membership
“A leader’s performance is measured by the people who follow them, And how they inspire them, and how they engage them”
not to demotivate them.” “My task is not to motivate people to play great football. They are already motivated when they come to me. My challenge is simply not to demotivate them.” Lou Holtz- football coach
Why are some not motivated? They don’t see any reason to give their best Disbelief in what the club is doing Irrelevant vision Under an aloof organization climate where top guns only make decisions
The need to empower
The need to empower… …the chance to be the hero
Why are some not motivated? They don’t see any reason to give their best Disbelief in what the club is doing Irrelevant vision Under an aloof organization climate where top guns only make decisions
Is paying its membership dues and donating to the Rotary Foundation makes a person a full blooded Rotarian?
Likewise, is providing the financial needs of the children makes a parent worthy of its role?
A Rotary Club should not be construed only as a financial donor
Why are some not motivated? They don’t see any reason to give their best Disbelief in what the club is doing Irrelevant vision Under an aloof organization climate where top guns only make decisions
STRATEGIC FORMULATION STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION The Strategic Planning Process Year 1 Year 2 HOW DO WE GET THERE? WHERE Year 3 STRATEGIC FORMULATION Year 3 HOW STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION Year 2 Importance of Club Strategic Planning NOW GOAL SETTING Year 1 WHERE DO WE START? Three (3) year work-in progress to include the incumbent, elect, nominee and nominee designate
Why are some not motivated? They don’t see any reason to give their best Disbelief in what the club is doing Irrelevant vision Under an aloof organization climate where top guns only make decisions
Team members desire a sense of autonomy or control
The most demanding question is HOW BEST CAN WE MOTIVATE?
Stir up the value of each member
Give regular recognition
Breakfast of champions
Provide proper training
Have fun or fellowship
“The Rotary Four Way Test of the Things we Think, Say, or Do” Ask the audience to recite the first stanza of the 4 way test then hold Start reading the quote
that defines us as Rotarians, “It isn’t what we think or say that defines us as Rotarians, but what we do.” # rotary as a verb not a noun