Infectious Disease Topic- Actinomycosis Figure 1. VD thoracic radiograph of consolidated lung lobe secondary to actinomycosis. Topic- Anaerobic Infections Figure 1. Test tube of effusive fluid removed from the thorax of a dog with pyothorax. Topic- Aspergillosis – Disseminated Figure 1. Skull radiograph showing aspergillosis of the nasal turbinates. Figure 2. Mucopurulent discharge in a dog with nasal aspergillosis. Topic- Bartonellosis Figure 1. Typical cat scratch disease in a child. Figure 2. Typical cat scratch disease in a child. Figure 3. Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome in “atypical cat scratch disease.” Figure 4. Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome in “atypical cat scratch disease”—submandibular lymphadenopathy. Figure 5. Multiple lesions of bacillary angiomatosis on the elbow of a man with AIDS. Figure 6. Warthin-Starry silver stained tissue from lesion of bacillary angiomatosis. Figure 7. Typical heterogeneous appearance of Bartonella helnselae isolated from clinical specimen on blood agar. Topic- Blastomycosis Figure 1. Ulcerative lesion of the toe. Topic- Brucellosis Figure 1. Testes of a chronically infected male dog with brucellosis. Figure 2. Histopathology of prostatic granuloma in a B. –canis–infected male dog. Topic- Canine Distemper Figure 1. Pathogenesis of canine distemper. (Dr. Carmichael). Figure 2. Canine distemper viral antigen in blood lymphocytes stained with fluorescent antibody. Topic- Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) Figure 1. Photomicrograph of T. cruzi in blood film from an infected dog.
Infectious Disease Figure 2. Photomicrograph of histologic section of left ventricle from a dog with chronic myocarditis and Trypanosomiasis Figure 3. Photomicrograph showing T. cruzi pseudocyst in myocyte of a dog’s heart with trypanosomiasis.” Topic- Cryptococcosis Figure 1. Image of a cat’s nose infected with Cryptococcosus. Note the excoriation and ulceration over the nose from which the organism was easily isolated. Figure 2. Cytology smear taken from a submandibular lymph node of a cat with cryptococcosis. Note the thick-walled yeast-like organisms surrounded by a lightstaining halo (mucopolysacharide capsule). Diff Quick stain. Topic- Ehrlichiosis Figure 1. Photomicrograph of blood smear showing mononuclear leukocyte containing E. canis morula in cytoplasm. Figure 2. Photomicrograph of blood smear showing mononuclear cell in bone marrow E. canis morula in Figure 3. Photomicrograph of blood smear from a dog showing neutrophil containing E. equi morula in cytoplasm. Figure 4. Photomicrograph of blood smear from a dog showing platelets containing E. platys morula in Figure 5. Photomicrograph of well-fed and underfed rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks from a dog with ehrlichiosis. Topic- Herpesvirus Infection – Dogs Figure 1. Gross lesions observed in canine herpes virus. Figure 2. In utero infections caused by canine herpes virus. Topic- Histoplasmosis Figure 1. Tracheobronchial lymph node enlargement. Topic- Hookworms (Ancylostomiasis) Figure 1. Hookworm egg. Figure 2. Ancyclostoma caninum mouth.
Infectious Disease Topic- Leishmaniasis Figure 1. Photograph of a hock of Leishmania-infected dog. Note the ulcerated skin lesions. Figure 2. Bone marrow smear (Wright stain) from a dog with leishmaniasis. Note the cytoplasm of a machrophage containing multiple organisms with a dark-staining kinetoplast and larger, lighter staining nucleus. Topic- Lyme Borreliosis Figure 1. Adult female Ixodes ticks, main vector for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato organisms Figure 2. Spirochetes, causative agents of Lyme Borreliosis Figure 3. Chronic synovitis in a dog with Lyme Topic- Neosporosis Figure 1. Puppy with progressive hind leg paresis owing to neosporosis. Figure 2. Dog’s brain showing the cerebellar fossa. Note the absence of a well-formed cerebellum as a result of Neospora infection in utero. Topic- Physalopterosis Figure 1. Physaloptera eggs. Topic- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Figure 1. Necrosis of planum nasale of a dog with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Figure 2. Retinal hemorrhage on fundus of a dog with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Topic- Roundworms (Ascariasis) Figure 1. Toxacara egg. Figure 2. Toxascaris egg. Topic- Strongyloidiasis Figure 1. Strongyloides larva Topic-Tapeworms (Cestodiasis) Figure 1. Taenia egg.
Infectious Disease Topic- Toxoplasmosis Figure 1. Photomicrograph of cytology of peritoneal tap from a cat with toxoplasmosis. Figure 2. Photomicrograph of histologic sections of a cat’s brain with toxoplasmosis. Figure 3. Photomicrograph of histologic sections of a Figure 4. Photomicrograph of toxoplasma gondii cyst containing bradyzoites in cat’s brain. Topic- Whipworms (Trichuriasis) Figure 1. Trichuris vulpis egg. Figure 2. Trichuris vulpis adults.
Infectious Disease Topic- Actinomycosis Figure 1. VD thoracic radiograph of consolidated lung lobe secondary to actinomycosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Anaerobic Infections Figure 1. Test tube of effusive fluid removed from the thorax of a dog with pyothorax.
Infectious Disease Topic-Aspergillosis - Disseminated Figure 1. Skull radiograph showing aspergillosis of the nasal turbinates.
Infectious Disease Topic-Aspergillosis - Disseminated Figure 2. Mucopurulent discharge in a dog with nasal aspergillosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Bartonellosis Figure 1. Typical cat scratch disease in a child.
Infectious Disease Topic-Bartonellosis Figure 2. Typical cat scratch disease in a child.
Infectious Disease Topic-Bartonellosis Figure 3. Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome in “atypical cat Scratch disease.”
Infectious Disease Topic-Bartonellosis Figure 4. Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome in “atypical cat Scratch disease”—submandibular lymphadenopathy.
Infectious Disease Topic- Bartonellosis Figure 5. Multiple lesions of bacillary angiomatosis on the elbow of a man with AIDS.
Infectious Disease Topic- Bartonellosis Figure 6. Warthin-Starry silver stained tissue from lesion of bacillary angiomatosis.
Infectious Disease Topic- Bartonellosis Figure 7. Typical heterogeneous appearance of Bartonella helnselae isolated from clinical specimen on blood agar.
Infectious Disease Topic-Blastomycosis Figure 1. Ulcerative lesion of the toe.
Infectious Disease Topic-Brucellosis Figure 1. Testes of a chronically infected male dog with brucellosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Brucellosis Figure 2. Histopathology of prostatic granuloma in a B. –canis–infected male dog.
Infectious Disease Topic-Canine Distemper Figure 1. Pathogenesis of canine distemper. (Dr. Carmichael).
Infectious Disease Topic-Canine Distemper Figure 2. Canine distemper viral antigen inblood lymphocytes stained with fluorescent antibody.
Infectious Disease Topic-Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) Figure 1. Photomicrograph of T. cruzi in blood film from an infected dog.
Infectious Disease Topic-Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) Figure 2. Photomicrograph of histologic section of left ventricle from a dog with chronic myocarditis and trypanosomiasis
Infectious Disease Topic- Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) Figure 3. Photomicrograph showing T. cruzi pseudocyst in myocyte of a dog’s heart with trypanosomiasis.”
Infectious Disease Topic- Cryptococcosis Figure 1. Image of a cat’s nose infected with Cryptococcosus. Note the excoriation and ulceration over the nose from which the organism was easily isolated.
Infectious Disease Topic- Cryptococcosis Figure 2. Cytology smear taken from a submandibular lymph node of a cat with cryptococcosis. Note the thick-walled yeast-like organisms surrounded by a light-staining halo (mucopolysacharide capsule). Diff Quick stain.
Infectious Disease Topic- Ehrlichiosis Figure 1. Photomicrograph of blood smear showing mononuclear leukocyte containing E. canis morula in cytoplasm.
Infectious Disease Topic- Ehrlichiosis Figure 2. Photomicrograph of blood smear showing mononuclear cell in bone marrow E. canis morula in cytoplasm.
Infectious Disease Topic- Ehrlichiosis Figure 3. Photomicrograph of blood smear from a dog showing neutrophil containing E. equi morula in cytoplasm.
Infectious Disease Topic- Ehrlichiosis Figure 4. Photomicrograph of blood smear from a dog showing platelets containing E. platys morula in cytoplasm.
Infectious Disease Topic- Ehrlichiosis Figure 5. Photomicrograph of well-fed and underfed rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks from a dog with ehrlichiosis.
Infectious Disease Topic- Herpesvirus Infection - Dogs Figure 1. Gross lesions observed in canine herpes virus.
Infectious Disease Topic-Herpesvirus Infection - Dogs Figure 2. In utero infections caused by canine herpes virus.
Infectious Disease Topic- Histoplasmosis Figure 1. Tracheobronchial lymph node enlargement.
Infectious Disease Topic- Hookworms (Ancylostomiasis) Figure 1. Hookworm egg.
Infectious Disease Topic- Hookworms (Ancylostomiasis) Figure 2. Ancyclostoma caninum mouth.
Infectious Disease Topic- Leishmaniasis Figure 1. Photograph of a hock of Leishmania-infected 3 dog. Note the ulcerated skin lesions.
Infectious Disease Topic- Leishmaniasis Figure 2. Bone marrow smear (Wright stain) from a dog with leishmaniasis. Note the cytoplasm of a machrophage containing multiple organisms with a dark-staining kinetoplast and larger, lighter staining nucleus.
Infectious Disease Topic-Lyme Borreliosis Figure 1. Adult female Ixodes ticks, main vector for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato organisms
Infectious Disease Topic- Lyme Borreliosis Figure 2. Spirochetes, causative agents of Lyme borreliosis
Infectious Disease Topic- Lyme Borreliosis Figure 3. Chronic synovitis in a dog with Lyme borreliosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Neosporosis Figure 1. Puppy with progressive hind leg paresis owing to neosporosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Neosporosis Figure 2. Dog’s brain showing the cerebellar fossa. Note the absence of a well-formed cerebellum as a result of Neospora infection in utero.
Infectious Disease Topic-Physalopterosis Figure 1. Physaloptera eggs.
Infectious Disease Topic- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Figure 1. Necrosis of planum nasale of a dog with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Infectious Disease Topic- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Figure 2. Retinal hemorrhage on fundus of a dog with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Infectious Disease Topic- Roundworms (Ascariasis) Figure 1. Toxacara egg.
Infectious Disease Topic- Roundworms (Ascariasis) Figure 2. Toxascaris egg.
Infectious Disease Topic-Strongyloidiasis Figure 1. Strongyloides larva.
Infectious Disease Topic-Tapeworms (Cestodiasis) Figure 1. Taenia egg.
Infectious Disease Topic-Toxoplasmosis Figure 1. Photomicrograph of cytology of peritoneal tap from a cat with toxoplasmosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Toxoplasmosis Figure 2. Photomicrograph of histologic sections of a cat’s brain with toxoplasmosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Toxoplasmosis Figure 3. Photomicrograph of histologic sections of a cat’s brain with toxoplasmosis.
Infectious Disease Topic-Toxoplasmosis Figure 4. Photomicrograph of toxoplasma gondii cyst containing bradyzoites in cat’s brain.
Infectious Disease Topic- Whipworms (Trichuriasis) Figure 1. Trichuris vulpis egg.
Infectious Disease Topic-Whipworms (Trichuriasis) Figure 2. Trichuris vulpis adults.