Assessment Information 2016-2017
NeSA - Writing NeSA-Writing at Grades 4, 8, and 11 will not be administered in 2016-2017. No test window three weeks in January-February.
Statewide Test Overview Grades 3-8 & Alternate 3-8 and 11 NeSA-English Language Arts NeSA-Mathematics NeSA-Science (5&8) 2 Sessions each subject 6 weeks testing 1 week make up/ March 20, 2017 to May 5,2017 No 11th grade math/reading/ or science NeSA due to preparation for LB 930 (college entrance exam)
NeSA-English Language Arts Aligned to the ELA College and Career Ready Standards (can be found on NDE website) Includes: Selected Reponses Technology Enhanced Items Independent Writing Items Text-Dependent Analysis in Grades 5-8
Text-Dependent Analysis (TDA) 2016-17 Grades 5, 6, 7, & 8-Operational NeSA- ELA Scored holistically using rubric Grades 3 & 4-No Operational TDA All Grades-No Field Testing
Text – Dependent Analysis (TDA) Included on NeSA-ELA in Grades 5, 6, 7, & 8 (16-17) One (1) TDA prompt on Operational NeSA-ELA TDA Task: Read text(s) (informational and/or literature) Respond to a writing prompt based on the text(s) Draw on writing skills while inferring and synthesizing information from the passage(s) to develop a comprehensive response Provide evidence from the passage(s) to support response
TDA Resources NDE website is your assistance tool. TDA Resources provided for Grades 3-8 Sample Items. Practice Tests. Revised Rubric & Writer’s Checklist (July 2016) TDA Professional Development (TBD 2016-17) Instructional coaches will attend and bring back.
Operational Testing of Math 2017 Based on 2010 Standards (Legacy) Score is based on items based on TOS 2010 Only Multiple Choice Items However…….
Tech Enhanced Items - Math Will include Tech enhanced items Items not included in calculation of NeSA score for spring 2017. Examples Available on Practice Tests in December Type of TE items include (computer scoreable) Drag and Drop Multiple Select Equation Builder Drop Down Menus Includes tools such as calculator, protractor, and graph construction
LB 930-College Entrance Exam Replace the NeSA tests at Grade 11 Begins in the 2017-2018 school year Proposals of bids from ACT and SAT- contract by September Will include Reading, Math, Science and Writing at a minimum Choice of mode by test site- online or paper/pencil
NeSA Practice Materials Practice opportunities available through INSIGHT/DRC. Practice Tests. Can provide raw scores (such as 15/18) Save written responses (TDA Writing) Reading with TDA require test tickets - Available Sept. 15 CCR Math Practice Tests available December 12. •All Online Tool Training and Guided Practice Tests have generic logins. •Tutorials available from launch page off INSIGHT.
NeSA Practice Materials on C4L ELA Items: Old items realigned to new standards At least 6 passages per grade with new item types Available in October Math Items: Items will remain aligned to Legacy Standards C4L continues to work on new items including new item types.
Subjects: math and reading How: 80% digitally 20% pencil-based National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) AKA The Nation’s Report Card When: February 9, 2017 To: 8th grade students Subjects: math and reading How: 80% digitally 20% pencil-based Duration: About 2 hours Format: They will not know which subject or format in advance. Staff will help proctor/help assess.
This Year’s Classroom Emphasis New math standards- alignment of legacy to CCR-Math for implementation next year. file://localhost/Users/rfrost/Desktop/NeSA_Math_Grade_3_T OS_Crosswalk.pdf Teaching those standards/concepts not in the Legacy/ or at new grade levels. Curriculum Guides needed for the NEW math Standards by the first of April. JH/HS-already completed. TDA Writing: Practice for students needs to be done in every classroom and every subject. The DLT writing group will discuss possible ways to look at how to help non-ELA.