MSC KARMEN ŠTULAR SOTOŠEK, NUK Economic aspects of licensing guidelines and effectiveness of the first offset agreement: a case study MSC KARMEN ŠTULAR SOTOŠEK, NUK
Economic benefit is the answer. But what is the question?
Resolution on Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2011-2020 Development of research infrastructures in Slovenia and international cooperation Resolution on Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2011-2020 International cooperation as the important key which brings the reductions of the total costs of the research infrastructure
What kind of international cooperation?
The consortium COSEC̕̕ s unique approach is to provide research infrastructure through unique international co-operation. Strategic partners EIFL multy-country consortium COSEC Digital content industry / PUBLISHERS Other consortia from Central & Eastern Europe
National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia 2015-2020 In line with its stated »No Double Dipping Policies« we found out new advantages for the international cooperation under the umbrella of EIFL.
EIFL agreement with Taylor & Francis which guarantees a reduced Article Processing Charge (APC) of $250 (218 EUR) for authors in Slovenia when publishing an article in a Taylor & Francis Open Access Journal. the normal fee is USD$2,950 (£1,788 / €2,150). 88% discount on APCs
But for COSEC members is the first offsets agreement. Waybe this reduced APC does not contribute a lot to the change in business models. But for COSEC members is the first offsets agreement. This first step of a transition to open access is generally welcomed because it addresses the issue of increasing total cost of publication. BUT…
Slovenian research community: „The price does not matter. Only the journal quality is important“ is the frequent feedback of the research community.
Analysis /JCR & SNIP T&F Subscription Journals T&F OA Journals How many articles were published in T&F subscription journals by the Slovenian researchers in 2014? What is the quality and science impact of those published articles? How many articles were published in T&F OA journals by the Slovenian researchers in 2014? What is the quality and science impact of those published articles?
The quality and scientific visibility of Slovenian researchers/2014/T&F
The costs of publishing OA at T&F Hypothetically!
Future challenges: How to increase the researcher engagement and awereness of OA? How to increase the researcher awareness and engagement of OA? Why and when a researcher would choose a new OA journal over an existing high Impact-Factor Journal?