Mathew Hauer August 2, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Mathew Hauer August 2, 2016

P O Pop Quiz! QUIZ

There are _____ counties in Georgia Pop Quiz ! 155 157 159 161

What percent of the state’s population was born in Georgia? 16.2% 22.8% 43.1% 55.3%

More people move to Georgia from _______ than any other state. Alabama Texas Michigan Florida visualization

_______ people in Georgia speak a foreign language in their home. Fewer than 500,000 Between 500,000 and 750,000 Between 750,000 and 1,000,000 More than 1,200,000

Georgia ranks _______ in the nation in terms of household income. 32nd

Population of Georgia, 1900-2010 Millions Source: US Census Bureau

Components of Change, 1940-2009 1,020,304 Net Migration 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 -500,000 1940-1950 1950- 1960 1960-1970 1970-1980 1980-1990 1990-2000 2000- 2009 1,020,304 Net Migration Natural Increase Millions Do you want to add another set of data for the most current Census? Source: US Census Bureau

Fastest Growing Counties Of the fastest growing counties in the United States, Georgia has… Added the interstate lines for these. Source: US Census Bureau

Fastest Growing Counties 9 out of 100 If you can give me these exact counties for this reporting date, I can make the individual state examples, or we can use the most recent census (I provided examples in lieu of not having exact data). Source: US Census Bureau

Change in Population 2000-2010 Source: US Census Bureau

Change in Population 2010-2013 Source: US Census Bureau

Change in Population, 2010-2013 26 counties have negative natural increase 82 counties have lost population since 2010 104 counties have negative net migration 6 counties account for 2/3 of all population growth since 2010 If you can get me the specific names of these counties, I will change each one. Check to see if what I gleaned from the Census is accurate.  Source: US Census Bureau

NOT Unique to Georgia 104 counties have negative net migration If you can get me the specific names of these counties, I will change each one. Check to see if what I gleaned from the Census is accurate. 

Georgia Housing Growth Just need the image and gif, thanks!

Georgia Housing Growth

Georgia Housing Growth

Georgia Housing Growth

Georgia’s Race Distribution, 1980 1% Source: US Census Bureau, and Internal Population Projections

Georgia’s Race Distribution 1980 & 2010 White Black Hispanic Other 1980 2010 Source: US Census Bureau, and Internal Population Projections

Georgia’s Race Distribution 1980-2030 White Black Hispanic Other You said 2030 numbers will change. 1980 2010 2030 Source: US Census Bureau, and Internal Population Projections

Race and Ethnic Population Change 1980-2010 Millions Do you want to add another data point? Source: US Census Bureau

Henry County is one of the 4 fastest growing counties in the U.S. Percent Asian Population County 1990 Henry 0.6 % Gwinnett 2.9 % Fulton 1.3 % Cobb 1.8 % 2000 1.8 % 7.2 % 3.0 % 3.1 % 2010 3.0 % 10.7 % 5.6 % 4.5 % Percent Change 1,753% 739 % 519 % 291 % Gwinnett County has the largest new immigrant Asian population. Corrected the numbers for Henry County. Source: US Census Bureau

Growth by Race, 2000-2010 Race Number Change White 285,259 Black 579,335 Other 218,144 Hispanic 418,462 Source: US Census Bureau

Growth by Race, 2000-2010 Race Number Change White 285,259 Black 579,335 Other 218,144 Hispanic 418,462 Percent Change 5.6% 24.8% 74.9% 96.1% Source: US Census Bureau

Growth by Race, 2000-2010 Race Number Change White 285,259 Black 579,335 Other 218,144 Hispanic 418,462 Percent Change 5.6% 24.8% 74.9% 96.1% Annual Growth Rate 0.6% 2.5% 6.4% 7.8% Source: US Census Bureau

Growth by Race, 2000-2010 Race Number Change White 285,259 Black 579,335 Other 218,144 Hispanic 418,462 Percent Change 5.6% 24.8% 74.9% 96.1% Annual Growth Rate 0.6% 2.5% 6.4% 7.8% Doubling Time 116.67 years 28 years 10.94 years 8.97 years Source: US Census Bureau

Change in White Population 2000-2010 Source: US Census Bureau Change in White Population 2000-2010 I haven’t changed the colors to these next three maps yet. If you can get me the specific counties, or want to send me the SHAPE files, I’ll do the color changing.

Source: US Census Bureau Change in Black Population 2000-2010

Source: US Census Bureau Change in Hispanic Population 2000-2010

NOT Unique to Georgia A Declining Share of White Population Source: US Census Bureau A Declining Share of White Population A Steady/Increasing Black Population A Rapidly Increasing Latino Population

Changed the slide here as you wanted. I like it!

Population Change, 1990-2010 % Increase 1990-2010 Under 25 51% 25-44 25% 45-64 111% 65-80 53% 80+ 76% Source: US Census Bureau

Mock Projection Age 1990 5-24 2.0 25-44 2.2 45-64 1.2 65-80 0.6 Source: US Census Bureau

Mock Projection Age 1990 5-24 2.0 25-44 2.2 45-64 1.2 65-80 0.6 2010 2.7 2.4 0.9 Source: US Census Bureau

Mock Projection Age 1990 5-24 2.0 25-44 2.2 45-64 1.2 65-80 0.6 2010 2.7 2.4 0.9 2030 2.7 2.4 Source: US Census Bureau

Baby Boom Number of births Made all the lines thicker on the next few slides

Baby Boom Number of births

Baby Boom Number of births

Baby Boom Number of births

to more than double over the next Population by Age & Sex Population over age 65 is expected to more than double over the next 50 years. Source: US Census Bureau

Change in Population 18-64 Working Age Adult growth will grow Millions Total Growth 8.3 White -14.5 Black 2.2 Hispanic 14.7 Other 3.7 Percentage % 4.3 % -11.7 % 9.1 % 45.4 % 35.3 % Growth will occur in Non-White populations Source: US Census Bureau, Vintage 2012 Projections

Conclusions Most rapid growth among youngest and oldest individuals The middle-aged population is growing the least Most rapid growth among youngest and oldest individuals @thehauer Contact Info Matt Hauer 706.542.9369 @thehauer

Final Thoughts… Demography is Destiny