Human Computer Interaction Slide 7 Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. Memory ?... What is “Memory”? The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. Something remembered from the past. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
What are the memory types in computer? The term primary memory is used for the information in physical systems which function at high-speed (i.e. RAM), as a distinction from secondary memory, which are physical devices for program and data storage which are slow to access but offer higher memory capacity. Which one is expensive? Kingston Technology HyperX Blu 8GB 1333MHz DDR3 Non-ECC CL9 DIMM (Kit of 2) => 77$ Toshiba Canvio 500 GB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive - HDTC605XK3A1 (Black) => 62$ Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Have you ever heard “Short-term” memory and “Long-term” memory? Short-term memory (or "primary" or "active memory") is the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time. The duration of short-term memory (when rehearsal or active maintenance is prevented) is believed to be in the order of seconds. A commonly cited capacity is 7 ± 2 elements. Short-term memory is a combination of phenomena arising from perception and attention. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Have you ever heard “Short-term” memory and “Long-term” memory? Long-term memory (LTM) is the final stage of the dual memory model proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, in which data can be stored for long periods of time. While short-term and working memory persists for only about 20 to 30 seconds, information can remain in long term memory indefinitely. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Better to read this chapter from the book Memory ?... Better to read this chapter from the book (Design with the mind in mind – Chapter 7 – ) Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Characteristics of Short-Term Memory; * The primary characteristics of short-term memory are its low capacity and its volatility (not permanent). * Cognitive psychologists used to say that new items arriving in short-term memory often bump old ones out, but that way of describing the volatility is based on the view of short-term memory as a temporary storage place for information. Modern view of short-term memory as the current focus of attention makes it even clearer: focusing attention on new information turns it away from some of what it was focusing on. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Have you ever... Going to another room for something, but once there we can’t remember why we came. l Taking a phone call, and afterward not remembering what we were doing before the call. l Something yanks our attention away from a conversation, and then we can’t remember what we were talking about. l In the middle of adding a long list of numbers, something distracts us, so we have to start over. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... You are about to do a small short term memory test. A few letters will flash on your computer monitor for 3 seconds. Your job is to write down as many letters as you can remember after they disappear. Print out this page and use it as your data sheet. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... U M Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... T Z L D Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... K X C E J O Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... A V C Y I S E H Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... L B F Q R P M A U X Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Z Q E C T B U M O N R V Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Let us check it now... Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Let us try another game... Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Let us try another game... Short term memory test... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
HCI can help users about Short-Term memory by; Modes How we can help Short-term Memory HCI can help users about Short-Term memory by; Modes The limited capacity and volatility of short-term memory is one reason why user- interface design guidelines often say to either avoid designs that have modes or pro- vide adequate mode-feedback. Has +s and -s Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
HCI can help users about Short-Term memory by; Modes Search Results How we can help Short-term Memory HCI can help users about Short-Term memory by; Modes Search Results Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
HCI can help users about Short-Term memory by; Modes Search Results How we can help Short-term Memory HCI can help users about Short-Term memory by; Modes Search Results Instructions Interactive systems that display instructions for multistep operations should allow people to refer to the instructions while executing them until completing all the steps. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Characteristics of Long-Term Memory; * Error Prone; What is in long-term memory is not an accurate, high-resolution recording of our experiences. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Characteristics of Long-Term Memory; * Error Prone; * Weighted by emotions; Memories in danger... Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
Characteristics of Long-Term Memory; * Error Prone; * Weighted by emotions; * Retroactively alterable; Suppose that while you are on an ocean cruise with your family, you see a whale-shark. Years later, when you and your family are discussing the trip, you might remember seeing a whale, and one of your relatives might recall seeing a shark. For both of you, some details in long-term memory were dropped because they did not fit a common concept. Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
HCI can help users about Long-Term memory by; Passwords \ Pin numbers How we can help Long-term Memory HCI can help users about Long-Term memory by; Passwords \ Pin numbers Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
HCI can help users about Long-Term memory by; Passwords \ Pin numbers How we can help Long-term Memory HCI can help users about Long-Term memory by; Passwords \ Pin numbers Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS
HCI can help users about Long-Term memory by; Passwords \ Pin numbers How we can help Long-term Memory HCI can help users about Long-Term memory by; Passwords \ Pin numbers Make shortcuts common Lecturer: Gokhan GUMUS