2007-2008 Statewide Update Presented by ATAC Facilitator
Contents Progress of APASC Goals New ATFs TOCC in AzCAS AP/CLEP Approvals 4th Biennial Conference on Transfer and Articulation ATASS Evaluation Conclusions Recommendations
Progress of APASC Goals Continuous Improvement of effectiveness of the ATF system APASC subcommittee established and met. They will review the following: Current configuration (enlist ATF input) Consider new ATFs for majors not currently included Revise guidelines to establish new ATFs Also distribute a copy!
Progress of APASC Goals (cont’d) Assess and improve effectiveness of the Transfer Model Hezel Associates contracted to perform system evaluation Report online Recommendations included in this PowerPoint
Progress of APASC Goals (cont’d) Effective administration of ATASS APASC and JCC continue to oversee the ATASS functions Hezel recommendations will be implemented FY 2009 Budget approved ($865,584)
Progress of APASC Goals (cont’d) Effective communication regarding ATASS to relevant constituents APASC Communication Subcommittee is working on a DVD and companion brochure to provide to all Arizona high schools (and will be placed online) targeted toward high school juniors. Will review the ATASS Newsletter as tool to communicate with discipline specific and non-discipline specific ATFs. Also distribute a copy!
Progress of APASC Goals (cont’d) Effective support of ATASS by state-of-the-art technology ATASS technology staff: CAS: Andy Beier, Rebecca McKay and Bryant Castaneda ASSIST: Melinda Gebel, Caryl DuBrock and Dan Moore Budget annually includes funds for server upgrades Also distribute a copy!
APASC approved two new ATFs at their April 2007 meeting: Women’s Studies Parks and Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Management Also distribute a copy!
TOCC in AzCAS Tohono O’odham Community College is being added to the CEG and other appropriate components of AzCAS TOCC courses have an effective date of Fall 2007 Prior to that time, the equivalencies are exactly like Pima Community College’s Also distribute a copy!
AP/CLEP Approvals APASC approved ATF agreed upon cut-scores, to be effective Fall 2008, for the following exams: Languages (AP) French, German, Spanish & Latin Sociology (CLEP) Physics (AP) Also distribute a copy!
4th Biennial Conference on Transfer and Articulation July 29-31, 2007 at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel Approximately 200 participants Brought together policy makers, researchers and practitioners working to enhance the transfer culture nationally Arizona had three presentations: Developing an “Upside Down 2+2” Statewide General Education Student Learning Outcomes: A Grassroots Effort Statewide Post-Secondary Learning Outcomes (Languages ATF) Also distribute a copy!
Student Planning Guides Currently students enter each course by hand into planning guide Contract signed with Interface Management Systems (IMS) APASC will pay for license and interfaces Courses will import automatically Simplifies the process to develop planning guide Anticipate simplicity will increase use
ATASS Evaluation Hezel Associates concluded the evaluation of ATASS. Process included: Surveys Focus groups Analysis of student data in the ASSIST database Review of transfer website For details see: http://az.transfer.org/cas/admin/index.html Also distribute a copy!
Conclusions The Arizona transfer system is working well, at least functionally Stakeholders are generally satisfied Large scale changes are not necessary
Hezel Recommendations Sponsor campaign to increase student awareness 2. Provide additional and on-going training to advisors 3. Improve and increase communications between community colleges and universities
Hezel Recommendations (cont’d) Streamline the system and components Redesign AzCAS website as a portal for all, especially students Update all information and resources in a timely manner when changes are made.
Hezel Recommendations (cont’d) Standardize administrative processes related to transfer system Universities should create student-oriented transfer centers or offices Community college applications should include early alert system focusing on returning students
APASC Meeting Dates and Locations 2007-2008 September 7, 2007 at NAU November 16, 2007 at ASU February 15, 2008 at MCCD April 18, 2008 at Pima Also distribute a copy!