oerresearchhub.org @OER_Hub ‘Eyes that Survey the World’: the latest data snapshot from OER Research Hub B. de los Arcos, R. Farrow, L.A. Perryman, B. Pitt The Open University, UK oerresearchhub.org @OER_Hub
tinyurl.com/OERevidence Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/y59xh
Keyword Hypothesis Performance OER improve student performance/satisfaction Openness People use OER differently from other online materials Access OER widen participation in education Retention OER can help at-risk learners to finish their studies Reflection OER use leads educators to reflect on their practice Finance OER adoption brings financial benefits for students/institutions Indicators Informal learners use a variety of indicators when selecting OER Support Informal learners develop their own forms of study support Transition OER support informal learners in moving to formal study Policy OER use encourages institutions to change their policies Assessment Informal assessments motivate learners using OER
Project Co-PILOT
Data 20+ surveys; 60+ interviews with educators and OER experts; 6 focus groups; Impact statements Photo CC BY-NC 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/dSHr87
Sample Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/y59xh
6,390 responses from 180 countries: 50.3% informal learners, 24.7% formal learners, 21.6% educators, 3.4% librarians; 50.1% female; 48.7% male; 64% speakers of English as first language; 9.9% declare a disability; 33.3% hold a postgraduate degree; 34.8% use OER in Science.
Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 marfis75 https://flic.kr/p/o4Hice Photo CC BY-NC 2.0 Alex Proimos https://flic.kr/p/dgqpwt
‘OER increase student satisfaction with the learning experience’ % %
‘OER lead to improved student grades’ % %
“Over the course of an entire semester all the kids turned in on average 82% of their homework, which is significant for me as an instructor because that made me feel that what I was asking them to do at home, (…) whatever it happened to be, that they saw the meaning in doing that.” “The greatest impact comes when I share the MERLOT website with students. They instantly connect with others who share their best practices. Then they develop their own best practices to share with their students and colleagues. There is such a great ripple effect when people are willing to share; especially when the information is easy to locate.”
Photo CC BY 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/6EuSQZ Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/5BZgEa
86.3% of educators adapt OER to suit their needs Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/5BZgEa
“What I do is I look at a lot of free resources but I don’t usually give them directly to my students because I usually don’t like them as much as something I would create, so what I do is I get a lot of ideas.” “The problem where I teach now is that we have no money; my textbooks, my Science textbooks are 20 years old, they’re so outdated, they don’t relate to kids (...) so I pick and pull from a lot of different places to base my units.” “I will maybe look and find an instructional video that’s maybe 2 or 3 minutes long that gets to the point better than I could, and I would use it, or I will look for lessons and if they are for Grade 5 or Grade 3 I don’t use all of it, I just adapt it, I take out what I don’t want and rearrange it.”
I’ve created resources 95% I’ve created resources and published them online 44% I’ve created resources and published them online under a CC license 5%
Reflection Photo CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/p3ABbW
‘I use a broader range of teaching and learning tools’ 40.6% ‘I reflect more on the way that I teach’ 37% ‘I have broadened my coverage of the curriculum’ 36.7% ‘I more frequently compare my teaching with others’ 32.1%
“It used to be that when I thought about preparing for a lesson I would look at a book and see what they did and I then would kind of teach a lesson similar to it but now I can go online watch a video or look at somebody else’s material that they put out there, see what they’re doing and either modify what they’re doing and bring it into my classroom or just get a totally different perspective on it and allow my students to get multiple perspectives on a topic.”
Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/aFDkRt
Do students save money using OER? %
Do institutions save money using OER? %
“Without any doubt my students are saving money “Without any doubt my students are saving money! Only one has purchased a copy of the textbook - everyone else uses their laptop, tablet, or prints out what they want.” “Down the road they may. Students talk to other potential students. When they find out that teachers care about cost and readability, they are more likely to choose your college” “Since we are all using online version, the school saves a lot of paper and money”
Photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/5eN7TU
57% of informal learners already have a degree 31% of formal learners used OER to try university- content level before signing up for a paid-for course 88.4% of all learners choose OER for the opportunity to study at no cost
OER Impact Map http://oermap.org
tinyurl.com/OERevidence Photo CC BY-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/y59xh
Thank you OER_Research_Hub@open.ac.uk @OER_Hub