“(your name), Citizen of Deutschland” Paper Preparation You may sit at any desk you’d like. There are no assigned seats today. Get out one sheet of paper. Fold the paper like a hamburger. Fold it like a hamburger again. Open the paper and title the paper “(your name), Citizen of Deutschland” Please write your first and last name where it says (your name).
Your paper has eight ‘boxes’: four on the front and four on the back.
Citizens of Deutschland (no standards covered) - by the end of this lesson: you should be able to take notes in class All notations are the original steps from the original lesson plan.
Welcome to Civics! This class will be about the principles, functions, and organization of GOVERNMENT; the origins of the American political system; the roles, rights, responsibilities of United States CITIZENSHIP; and methods of active PARTICIPATION in our political system. Image from mrbaun.wikispaces.com P.S. We will also be studying geography (through current events) and economics (the study of incentives).
Box 1: Mr. Deutsch’s Note Style You will know when and where you need to write something from a PowerPoint slide based on the top of the screen. When you see an underlined phrase in the slide’s title, you need to write down that phrase as the title of your box. Please write Note Style at the top of Box 1.
Box 1: Mr. Deutsch’s Note Style When we take notes, there will be three separate cues you need to watch out for. A cue is a sign or a signal warning you that is time to act. 1) When you see words underlined, write them down. Combine the underlined words to form a sentence in your notes.
Box 1: Mr. Deutsch’s Note Style When we take notes, there will be three separate cues you need to watch out for. A cue is a sign or a signal warning you that is time to act. 2) Words that are outlined are asking for your input. These start with a verb and ask you to come up with an answer on your own. If I were to ask you to explain outlined words, you would write that what to do when you see outlined words.
Box 1: Mr. Deutsch’s Note Style When we take notes, there will be three separate cues you need to watch out for. A cue is a sign or a signal warning you that is time to act. 3) While I am teaching, I may repeat myself. If I every say something three times, you need to write it down. Write repeated words. Write repeated words. Write repeated words. (that’s 3 times)
Your paper should look like this: (your name), Citizen of Deutschland Note Style write underlined words follow instructions for outlined words write repeated words Your paper should look like this:
Box 2: Mr. Deutsch’s Guiding Philosophy “I don’t know” is never an acceptable answer. You may not know the answer now, but you can find the answer if you try. IDK is not trying. IDK is giving up. IDK is quitting. For best results, say “I don’t know yet.” IDKY acknowledges unknowing and promises effort. Summarize the philosophy of this classroom in 5 words or less.
Box 3: Grading Policy . We will use a Tree Map to discuss the grading policy. It is used to classify information based on similar qualities. You can use the title of this box as the title for your tree map. Please follow along with me as we talk about the four categories. Underlined words are a part of tree maps, but you are welcome to write as little as you like.
Box 3: Grading Policy . Classwork Tests Writing Projects single day reading activities 35% 12 unit tests ~3 / quarter 25% written response using notes ~9 / quarter 25% (1st) 25% (2nd) 15% (3rd) 0% (4th) multi-day DBQ presentation 15% (1st) 15% (2nd) 25% (3rd) 40% (4th)
I pick the groups (no complaints) Box 4: Workgroups . Solo Pair Small Class no talking no volume your grade is up to you no talking tiny volume your grade is up to you you pick your partner no talking low volume your grade is up to you I pick the groups (no complaints) no talking loud volume your grade is up to you
Box 5: Late Work Policy tl;dr -10% per day Assignment due dates will be posted on the board. Students are responsible for tracking due dates in their agendas. When an assignment is turned in late, the maximum score is reduced by 10% for each day the assignment is delinquent.
Box 6: Minimum Scoring Policy For all assignments, the lowest possible grade you can earn is a 50% (F). The lowest grade you can get is a 0% (F). This is the grade you will get for any assignment where you did not earn a grade. If you skip an assignment or do not participate in your assigned group, your grade will be a 0%.
What will we learn? – Unit Previews We have 13 units this year. In box 7, write down the unit that looks the most interesting. In box 8, write down the unit that looks the most boring.
U01 Foundations of Government image from icivics.org
U02 Road to the Constitution
U03 The Constitution image from elcivics.com
U04 The Legislative Branch image snatched from someone’s Pinterest (originally from School House Rock)
U05 The Executive Branch image from JFD’s Civ V Mod -> Progressive America lead by Theodore Roosevelt
U06 The Judicial Branch image from bbc.com
U07 State and Local Government image from bbc.com
U08 Citizenship and Participation image from icivics.org
U09 Politics and Public Policy image from icivics.org
U10 Media and Influence image from icivics.org
U11 Civil Rights image from icivics.org
U12 International Affairs
U13 Economics