Rome the Republic
Government Republic 2 elected consuls were the head Senate Assembly Served a one-year term Controlled the army Senate Leaders from the Patricians Law-makers Controlled spending Chosen by Consuls Served for life 300 seats Assembly Plebeians Had limited power BUT they elected the consuls Consuls had to gain support of the plebeian class
SPQR Senatus Populus Que Romanus Chiseled on public buildings, armor, coins, park benches Anything that belonged to the state “The Senate and the People of Rome” Kings were no longer in charge
The Forum Main marketplace and business center Banking, trading, shopping, and marketing Also a place for public speaking Great orators Argued persuasively Festivals and religious ceremonies Go to a temple to leave a gift for one of their gods
Roman Baths At least once a day Included: Hot and cold pools Slaves to wait on you Steam rooms Saunas Exercise rooms Hair salons Reading rooms Think of is as a large mall with bathing pools 900 public baths in Rome Part of daily life Kids couldn’t use them There was an admission charge Slaves couldn’t use them But people brought their slaves as attendants
Roman Legion Legion Uniform Service 5000 men Each had a banner, leader, number and nickname Uniform Rectangular shield Short sword Dagger Metal jacket Helmet Belt Kilt Shirt Hobnailed sandals Service Legionary served for 25 years Retirement Given land and a pension Gave retired military a place to call home in the country that they would defend Placed loyal military men all over the provinces
Roman Roads “All roads lead to Rome” It was true! Rome was the heart of the republic Each time a new city was conquered, a road was built from that city back to Rome Milestones told how far it was to Rome
Hannibal & Carthage Carthage- ancient city-state in North Africa- 300 miles from Rome First Punic War Carthage controlled 3 islands off Italy’s coast Rome wanted Carthage to join its republic Fought for 20 years Neither won Rome took Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica Hannibal 9-year-old son of the general at the First Punic War- vowed to make Rome pay Clever general Snakes plan Wanted to conquer all of Spain Not this creepy one… But this one
Second Punic War Second Punic War Spanish city asked for help but Rome attacked Carthage instead of Hannibal Hannibal planned to march 90,000 foot soldiers, 12,000 calvary, and 37 elephants from Spain Route was more rugged than he expected Carthage agreed to peace terms Carthage changed their mind and Rome defeated Carthage but didn’t catch Hannibal Second set of peace terms: Carthage leave Spain, Gaul and Italy Reduce their navy to 10 warships Pay 10,000 talents in war damages in 50 annual payments over 50 years Rome finally caught up with Hannibal but he swallowed poison rather than surrender (he was 64)
Julius Caesar Month of July named after him People trusted him and believed he could solve Rome’s problems Problems of the Republic Crime Taxes Hunger Unemployment Slave labor dependency Spoke openly about problems and solutions Leaders in the Senate were afraid Caesar would take power and rule as a king Entered Rome in 49 BCE with Roman Legion to take over the government Poor people were glad; Senate was furious
Julius Caesar Caesar defeated Pompey and the Senate’s forces and became the master of Rome Improvements Relieved debt Enlarged the Senate Built the Forum Iulium Revised the calendar Assassinated by a group of Senators led by Cassius and Brutus on the Ides of March (15) 44 BCE Assassination sparked civil wars that ended the Republic and Caesar’s great nephew, Octavian, became the first emperor of Rome