Hammer Project KV020 S-KPI CBO


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Presentation transcript:

Hammer Project KV020 S-KPI CBO 2016-08-26 Project CA project S00674 oss KPI justification - Appendix © Ericsson AB 2016

Multitech 2G kpi Justification PROJECT BAU MODERNIZATION 2016-10-26 Multitech 2G kpi Justification

Refer to OSS Justification S00674 2G oss kpi justification # Description Target Value Technology Baseline KPI Result PASS/FAIL comments   2G (12/23/16 - 12/29/16) (4/6/2017-4/12/2017) A. Cell Availability Maintain/Improved 99.62 99.45 Fail Refer to OSS Justification A. CSSR_Voice 99.63 99.57 A. DCR_Voice 0.33 0.32 PASS A. PS_Drop 0.93 A. Timing Advance A. CS Traffic (Erl) 4875.09 6763.53 A. TCH attempt 161946 170150 A. PS traffic (GB) 109.77 133.18

S00674 2G oss kpi justification Analysis: TCH Availability degradation due to above cells having fluctuation during result calculation period and back to normal afterwards.

S00674 2G oss kpi justification Analysis: CSSR degradation due to above cells having sudden SD Blocking during result calculation period and back to normal afterwards.

Hammer Project KV020 S-KPI CBO 2016-08-26 © Ericsson AB 2016