French Revolution Pt. Deux
Fear Storming the Bastille scared everyone Nobles Fear peasants Fear the king Burned houses & records
June, 1791 Louis 16th & Marie Antoinette try to escape to Austria in disguise Captured and imprisoned
The Republic
Maximilien Robespierre Led national convention Most radical "Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible"
Off with Louis 16th head! January 21st, 1793 Guillotined European Outrage Nobles flip out Beheaded
And Marie Antoinettes head! Oct 16th 1793 Hair cut off first to humiliate her Beheaded in public square Sons died of tuberculosis – prison conditions Daughter – smuggled out but exiled for life
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Liberty Equality Fraternity All men born equal
Reforms of the National Convention Draft Men 18 – 45 OUTRAGE Fire clergy Close churches
The National Convention Fear of “counter-revolution” Overthrowing their gov’t Reign of Terror (Sept. 1793 – July 1794) Accusations Trials Executions
The Reign of Terror Let’s get crazy up in here.
French Revolution Report
Revolutionary Tribunal Trials - TERROR Anyone against the Revolution Girondists = 1st Can’t defend themselves
The Guillotine More than one person per minute Blood overflows drains
Nobody was safe Robespierre beheaded Lasted 10 months Shock and Awe Commoners, nobles, nuns Robespierre beheaded Lasted 10 months ~20,000 killed Shock and Awe
The Fallout July 1795 – Directory elected Result? POWER VACCUUM 5 men Weak, corrupt No real change Result? POWER VACCUUM NAPOLEON - 1799
Napoleon Italian born, spoke French Very small and self-conscious “First Consul” of France – 1799-1804 Emperor of France – 1804-1814 Crowns himself, snatches it from Pope
His Strengths Incredible military leader Fought over 60 battles, only lost 7 and never died in battle Put his friends in charge of countries he won Militaries all over the world study his battle tactics
Battle Strategy He was adept at espionage and deception and could win battles by concealment of troop deployments and concentration of his forces on the 'hinge' of an enemy's weakened front. If he could not use his favorite envelopment strategy, he would take up the central position and attack two co-operating forces at their hinge, swing round to fight one until it fled, then turn to face the other. In this Italian campaign, Bonaparte's army captured 150,000 prisoners, 540 cannons and 170 standards.[44] The French army fought 67 actions and won 18 pitched battles through superior artillery technology and Bonaparte's tactics.
His Weaknesses Self-absorbed Power-hungry