You are going to drill holes in pieces of steel You are going to drill holes in pieces of steel. Before starting, your manager has asked you to identify the hazards that may be encountered. List the mechanical and non-mechanical hazards you might encounter Suggest measures that could be used to control these hazards.
Forewarned is Forearmed: What should an employer do to warn employees of hazards in the workplace? Safety Signs Task: When instructed to do so, move quietly to room 0.07. Make a note of the warning signs you see. What colours are they? What shapes are they? What do they warn/tell you about? Take photos if you like. Return to 0.19 quietly.
Warning Signs Stop Safety DO NOT!!! Green & White Red, white & black Fire exits, first aid kits, etc. Stop DO NOT!!! Red, white & black Circular Mandatory YOU MUST!!! Blue & White Circular PPE, etc. Danger HAZARD!!! Yellow & Black Triangular Fire Red & White Call points Extinguishers Reference from the Health & Safety (Safety Signs & Signals) Regulations.
Any Questions?
What is the difference between a hazard and a risk? “A hazard is anything that may cause harm” “A risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by the hazard, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be” Health & Safety Executive
Assessing “Risk” Risks can be identified as either “trivial” or “significant”. First, list the hazards. Second, identify who might be affected by each hazard and how. Third, score the “likelihood” of being harmed. (1 = very unlikely, 5 = extremely likely) Fourth, score the severity of any injury caused. (1 = minor injury, 5 = fatality)
Example: Changing a wheel on a car Hazards Persons affected Likelihood Severity Risk Factor Trivial or Significant Collapse of lifting jack Mechanic – crushing Other employees – crushing Risk Factor = Likelihood x Severity Risk factors above 4 are considered significant
TASK Select a typical task that might be carried out in an engineering environment. Draw a table, as on the previous slide, identifying: Hazards Who might be affected and how Likelihood Severity Risk factor Whether the risk is significant or trivial
TASK Consider countermeasures for each of the hazards previously identified. How would the likelihood and severity be affected? Hence, what impact would this have on the risk factor?
Any Questions?