Common Loon 28 – 36 inches Migration Water Small fish and crustaceans
Tundra Swan 53 inches Migration Water, fields Grasses, seeds, aquatic plants
Hooded Merganser 16-19 inches Breeding Water Fish
Sharp-Shinned Hawk 10-14 inches Year round Mixed woods and thickets Mostly birds, some small mammals
Ring-Billed Gull 19 inches Winter / Migration Water, dumps, plowed fields and fast food restuarants Almost anything edible
Downy Woodpecker 6 ½ inches Year round Forests Insects, seeds, berries
Barn Swallow 6-7 ½ inches Breeding Open land, farms, fields and marshes Flying insects
Wood Thrush 8 inches Breeding Mixed woodlands Insects, worms and berries
BrownThrasher 11 ½ inches Breeding Thickets, shrubbery and brush Insects and fruit
American Redstart 5 inches Breeding Deciduous forests Insects
Yellow-Rumped Warbler 5-6 inches Breeding Mixed woods Insects
Hooded Warbler 5 ½ inches Breeding Forest undergrowth Insects
Rose-BreastedGrosbeak 7-8 ½ inches Breeding Thickets and deciduous forests Insects, seeds and small fruits
White-Throated Sparrow 6-7 inches Winter Brush and thickets Small fruit, insects and seeds
Eastern Phoebe 6 ½-7 inches Breeding Streamsides, farms, yards Flying insects
Information in this presentation was taken from: Information in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2002. *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John Feith